Ain't No Party Like A Scotland Party

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It's my wedding day!" Francesca squealed as her sisters and mother surrounded her. They were at Kilmartin Castle in her suite of rooms getting ready for her big day. "Oh, Eloise! I'm so happy that you were able to come. I know it is still your honeymoon and all, but to know you are here, oh!" Francesca teared up before launching herself into her sister's arms.

"What can I say? Married life has changed me. I am all about love and happiness these days." Eloise chuckled as her sister squeezed her closer.

"Come now. Let's get you dressed. Clara?" Violet called out for Francesca's new lady's maid. Now that Sophie was to marry Benedict in a fort night, Lady Fiona hired a local girl from the village in her place. She was still young but tended to all of her younger siblings most of her life, so she was a quick study.

"Yes, m'lady. I have had the gown steamed and pressed. Miss Bridgerton shall look perfect for Lord Kilmartin." Clara curtsied then let the sun their ladies take over until they were ready for her to style Francesca's hair.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, John was pleading with his cousin, Michael. "For Christ sake, Michael. Are you actually fucking drunk at 9 in the bloody morning?" He had arrived at 5AM after a two week bender across Great Britain before finally ending up back home in time for his cousin's wedding.

"I've lost her. I never even had a chance." He heard him mumble from where his face was planted in the chaise lounge.

"Who the Hell are you talking about?"

"Penelope." Michael cried out, "I'm in love with a married woman! A pregnant, married woman! And I don't know how I can face anyone." John sighed. He had never seen anyone this strung out on a person before. "Is she here?" He watched as Michael turned over to his side, a forlorn look upon his face.

"She is. Frannie is her sister-in-law. Of course she is here." John answered.

"And him?" he looked like he was about to get sick, "Her husband? I guess he is here as well."

"Yes. Maybe you should stay here and sleep it off. I don't need you embarrassing me nor Frannie. You ruin this day for us and I don't know how long it would take to forgive you."

Michael choked on a sob. "I'm sorry. I'm a complete and utter mess! It just hurts so badly. I've never been in love before and of course the moment I do, she's already taken." John sat next to his cousin and took him in his arms. "Oh, Penelope!"

They heard a gasp and John rushed to open the door.

"Colin? I'm going to walk around. Did you want to join me?" Penelope had just finished getting ready as her husband was eating a snack of cold meats and cheese.

"I shall finish up here in a bit. Did you wish to wait or I can find you in about half the hour?" Penelope shook her head.

"Find me after. If I do not walk after eating, this little one makes my stomach upset. I'll more than likely check out the library again." She gave her husband a quick kiss and walked down the corridor.

As she walked closer to the library, she heard voices and couldn't help but be curious.

"I guess he's here as well?" Penelope stopped. She knew that voice. Michael Stirling.

"Yes. Maybe you should stay here and sleep it off. I don't need you embarrassing me nor Frannie. You ruin this day for us and I don't know how long it would take to forgive you." Lord Kilmartin, John, was speaking now.

She heard a man sobbing now. "I'm sorry. I'm a complete and utter mess! It just hurts so badly. I've never been in love before and of course the moment I do, she's already taken." An anguished groan sounded and then she heard it, "Oh, Penelope!" She gasped and moved to pass the door when it opened.

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