Our Happily Ever After - final part

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Push, Missus! One more push!" It had been a gruelling 3 hours of hard labour with her husband at her side. Holding his hand tightly, Penelope gave the midwife one good push and her baby was finally out. "It's a little girl!" Colin cried as he kissed his wife's sweaty brow.

"A little girl, Pen! We have a little girl." He said as he pushed her hair out of her face.

"Oh, Col! Our little Aggie!" She kissed him but broke it with a cry of pain. The midwife ran back over, handing the new father his child.

"What's happening? Please tell me what's wrong with my wife!" Colin shrieked, his eyes filled with fear.

"Please, calm down Mr. Bridgerton. All is well, there looks to be another baby." His eyes widened and he ran to call for his mother.

"Mama! Take Aggie! There's another child! Twins, mama! Twins! Just like in my dreams!" Violet took her granddaughter into her arms as her son rushed back out to assist his wife.

Portia rushed over to look at her. "Oh, Violet! Look at her! She looks just like Penelope when she was a wee babe!" The women took turns snuggling with her.

They looked towards the door when they heard Colin yell out, "A boy! We have a son!" About thirty minutes later, the door opened again and he stood proudly with their son, Thomas.

"Mother, Portia. May we introduce Agatha Violet and Thomas Edmund Bridgerton." Colin sat proudly next to an exhausted Penelope. "Aggie and Tommy, our perfect children."

A month later, everyone gathered to celebrate the christening of the Bridgerton Twins. Eloise and Christopher announced their pregnancy the day before. Fitting for the new Godparents.

"Pen?" Penelope had been feeding Aggie in the nursery. Eloise currently had Tommy in her arms as her husband watched on in awe.

She turned and saw Colin standing in the doorway. "Yes, my love?" He came into the room and knelt down next to her chair.

"Your mother and Prudence are getting ready to leave. Did you want to come down or shall I send them up here?" He watched their daughter suckling at her mother's breast, still fascinated by how amazing she was.

"Just finishing up here. I'll come down." He waited as she unlatched Aggie. "Can you take her?" He eagerly took her in his arms. She was a miniature version of his wife. Their son had her eyes, same eyes as his sister, but other than that, little Tommy looked just like Colin.

Penelope did up her stays and checked her image in the mirror, catching Colin watching her. "What?" She giggled as he came closer.

"Just looking at you, my beautiful perfect little wife." He bent down and kissed her. "I just fall more in love with you each day." Penelope had not quite gotten ahold of her hormones and teared up at his sentimental words.

"Oh, Colin, I feel the same way." With one more kiss, they made their way back down the steps of the cottage and onto their garden patio. Eloise brought Thomas over and handed him back to his mother.

"Hope our little one is as easy as Tommy was." Eloise commented as she backed away to rejoin her mesmerised husband.

"Penelope dear! We must be going. Prudence here is just getting too much sun and she has a promenade with Mister Albatross tomorrow." Portia gave her daughter's hand a gentle squeeze. "The babies are absolutely perfect. I mean, they take after their mother so," Colin feigned shock.

"Lady Featherington! Are you trying to say I lack perfection?" The women giggled as his wife bumped him with her hip.

"Behave, you. Mother, Pru? Have a safe ride home. Give our best to Mister Albatross." They watched as her family left, the air around her lighter. Although their relationship was improved, Penelope still felt wary around them.

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