Irene Valentine (Earth-909)

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VA: Amber Lee Connors (ENG), Kana Hanazawa (JAP)

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VA: Amber Lee Connors (ENG), Kana Hanazawa (JAP)

Alias: Blondie, Iri

Species: Evohuman-Sorceress Hybrid

Nationality: American

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Eye color: Sea Green

Hair color: Blonde

Height: 5'8

Weight: (Disclosed due to personal reasons)

Birthdate: 4/7

Relatives: Vance Valentine (father, deceased), Andrea Valentine (mother, deceased), Grace Mallory (adoptive guardian)

Occupation: Godolkin University student (formerly), SCP Foundation O-5 Council member

Alignment: Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good


Originally, Irene was a kind, sweet, and friendly person, though she was prone to feelings of resentment and bitterness toward others due to the abuse she suffered from others, especially from Homelander, America's premier superhero who killed her parents.

After awakening her new magic and having her powers enhanced, Irene now shown to possess more confidence, now being able to stand up for herself and others. She will show kindness and even forgiveness, but she will make them earn it due to knowing there is a limit to forgiving someone. Despite her new found confidence, her bitterness and resentment toward Godolkin and Vought's Supes caused her to develop a somewhat cold and apathetic side. She is able to lash out and even physically strike them, though she is able to restrain herself. However, she still retains her sweet personality.


Irene was born to Vance and Andrea Valentine, both of European descent. She was named after her maternal grandmother. When she was 17, her Evohuman powers kicked in when she. Her parents tried to protect her, but she ended up killing some of the bystanders. This made her the target of some of the authorities, especially Vought who sent their Supes as a form of public stunt.

Homelander found them and tried to "help" her, but only for him to try to sexually molest her, not knowing of her powers. She blasted Homelander away, and out of anger, Homelander shot his heat vision that killed her parents. Out of mix of grief, hatred, and despair, Irene generated energy blast that nearly killed Homelander, who flew away to escape.

Irene cried for a long time, now knowing she had no one because of her own powers.

She then went into hiding for about 2 and a half year or so. She secretly harbored hatred toward Vought, and thus engaged in vigilantism that involved attacking Vought-related places. At some point, she was found by former Colonel Grace Mallory, who discovered her existence after her team, The Boys, looked through some of Vought's files. She found her, and decided to adopt her out of pity. After that, she decided to help her fight other Supes from Vought.

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