Homelander (Earth-823)

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VA: Antony Starr (ENG), Toshiyuki Morikawa (JAP)

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VA: Antony Starr (ENG), Toshiyuki Morikawa (JAP)

Alias: John (real name), The World's Greatest Superhero, America's Number One Hero, Homefucker, The Fraud Hero, Bad Product, Malignant Narcissistic Man-Child

Species: Supe/Evohuman

Nationality: American

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blond

Height: 5'11

Weight: 165 lb

Birthdate: 7/22

Relatives: Ben/Soldier Boy (father), Unnamed mother (deceased)

Occupation: Superhero, Vought International CEO, Supervillain

Affiliations: Vought International, The Seven, Malus 

Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Lawful Good (façade)


On the surface, Homelander presents himself as a charismatic superhero, who is warm, encouraging, altruistic and revolted by any form of injustice. He often encourages his allies by telling them "that they are the real heroes". This only serves as a façade for when he wishes to be presentable however, and is quick to show his true side when necessary even towards those he has vowed to protect.

In reality, however, he is actually the exact opposite; being an apathetic, selfish, uncaring, immature, manipulative, merciless, sadistic, psychopathic, troubled, cold, vile, hypocritical, arrogant, and above all ruthless and horrid narcissist. Because of his immense power, he believes that he is superior to the whole of humanity; that is how he does not hesitate to crash a plane, letting dozens of people die or use his power to get what he wants and satiate his bloodlust.

Likely as a result of being raised to be Vought's premier superhero and lack of proper childhood, Homelander has an extreme sense of narcissism; and, while cruel and uncaring towards civilians behind-the-scenes, longs for their love and attention as further validation for himself. He is prideful about his status as the world's best superhero and is incredibly hostile to anyone who would challenge his popularity, such as the Vanguardians. Furthermore, like his fellow superheroes, he is good at playing the system and tricking the world into thinking that their actions are justified. He does so while doing anything possible to cover up the crimes that even their most loyal followers will despise them for if they ever find out.

However, once he is faced against someone who is powerful than he is and should he be overpowered, Homelander reveals a cowardly and pathetic side, begging for his life to be spared.

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