Part 1

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The darkness of the dormitory flat enveloped the room as the woman sat in quiet anticipation. From the outside, she appeared calm and controlled, but inside, she seethed with rage. The betrayal of her family was too fresh. How could her sister's trusted friend have committed such an act of betrayal?

The nearing midnight air was pierced only by the subtle rhythm of her breaths. Maintaining her composure was paramount; she had to cloak her emotions to avoid detection by those nearby. Concealing her feelings was a skill honed to perfection, almost instinctual. It had become second nature, a vital tool in her arsenal for stalking her prey.

No darkness could hinder her from perceiving every detail in the flat. As a creature of the night, she possessed unparalleled night vision. Nevertheless, she found herself unimpressed. Nestled within the private college campus, the flat comprised two modest bedrooms flanking a cozy living area, a compact kitchen, and a bathroom. One would expect more grandeur from a prestigious school for supernaturals, but it resembled a typical human college room.

The footsteps of two people in the corridor neared the flat door, and within the next minute, she heard the jingling of keys. Suddenly, the front door swung open, and the air filled with the sounds of shuffling and giggling, accompanied by an impatient growl.

The living room was suddenly invaded by a young couple, their attention completely drawn away from the small figure on the sofa. The man, a commanding presence at 6'4", clad in black jeans and a forest green t-shirt, forcefully pushed the girl against the wall. The room was filled with the unmistakable scent of lust and desire. The girl, petite and clad in a form-fitting black dress, couldn't suppress her moans as the man's hands roamed over her body. The man's kiss was aggressive and possessive, but the figure on the sofa paid it no mind, waiting patiently for them to realize they were not alone.

In a matter of seconds, both figures tensed, instinctively moving apart as they detected another presence in the room. The alpha's protective instincts immediately took over, prompting the young man to position himself defensively, prepared to defend his mate. His eyes quickly scanned the room, assessing for potential threats, eventually landing on a petite woman seated on the sofa.

The mysterious woman studied the impressive pair before her. He was undoubtedly the alpha born, his commanding presence and muscular build marking him as a force to be reckoned with among shifters. With dark hair framing his chiseled features and forest green eyes holding a magnetic allure, he assessed the situation with precision. Despite his heightened senses, the woman's true identity remained elusive. She emitted no scent, her face concealed beneath a black hoodie, her eyes veiled from sight.

Standing alongside him was a woman of stunning beauty, her fiery red hair flowing in luxurious waves. She was the epitome of the true omega, her petite yet curvaceous body biologically destined to be a breeder for alpha males. Her submissive nature was evident, as was the alluring scent of jasmine pheromones that surrounded her, along with the depth of her piercing brown eyes.

"Who are you?" the alpha demanded, his voice low and threatening as he advanced.

His powerful physique and commanding presence suggested fearlessness. The intruder remained steady, confident in her security. The noise of something dropping briefly distracted the alpha, but upon turning back to his girlfriend, he froze.

On the ground, the omega trembled, her eyes glued to the floor. The room was saturated with the omega's emotions, a turbulent blend of fear and guilt.

"I'm sorry, forgive me," she pleaded, her voice shaky. The alpha's instincts compelled him to protect and reassure his omega, but a nagging sense of unease gnawed at him.

The mysterious figure shifted her attention to the omega, disregarding the redhead's cries. Her tone carried an air of gentleness and authority as she inquired, "Did he know?" Her words lingered, filling the room with tension.

"No," omega stammered, her voice barely audible over her sobs.

The intruder's soft chuckle sent a ripple of unease through the alpha. He stood frozen, realizing that the events unfolding before him would have far-reaching consequences. Deep within, he sensed that he had missed a crucial detail about his chosen omega, something that would change everything.

Despite the omega's escalating cries, the woman paid them no attention as she approached the kneeling figure, examining the mark on her shoulder. His mark, a mating symbol engraved into the skin like a tattoo, was black instead of the expected golden hue, signaling that the chosen omega was not his destined mate.

"How amusing, Sam," the intruder remarked. "It's not even permanent," she mused, before turning her gaze to the man.

And for the first time he met intruders eyes, violet. He was shocked, he knew that just one beeing can have it and this beeings arfe forbitten, instict. Linages killed and destroyed, to prevent such unatural and dangerous creature ever created.

Meeting the intruder's eyes for the first time, he was taken aback. They were violet, a rare sight that sent alarm bells ringing in his mind. He knew that only one being could possess such eyes, and their existence was forbidden. Bloodlines were extinguished to prevent the creation of such unnatural and perilous creatures.

But he had no time to act because the violet-eyed woman smiled at the man and with a gentle voice asked, 

"Where is your omega, Savage?"

The air stilled, then suddenly the window opened, momentarily diverting his attention. When he looked back, there was no dark figure. It was just quiet, a gentle breeze from outside softly caressing his skin, like a lost lover easing his worries.

He looked down, and there on the ground was the sobbing girl, his chosen omega, but his vision blurred, and the next moment, he didn't know anything because darkness engulfed him.

Darkness and pain.

So much pain.

As the mysterious woman left the apartment, the distant sounds of painful howling and crashing filled the night air, followed by anguished screams of a female. Revenge, it seemed, was indeed best served cold. And tonight, it was served with a side of revelation.

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