Part 6

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These past couple of weeks since the full moon, I've been feeling off, like my body isn't entirely my own. My emotions are more sensitive than usual, and I find myself easily picking up on the emotions of others. Before, I could read them like a book, but now, it's as if they're merging with my own. It's both exhilarating and overwhelming, this heightened awareness of emotions.

Feeling unsettled by these changes, I've taken the step of booking a consultation with a vampire doctor in the city. While we do have medical professionals here at the private college, I feel safer seeking advice from someone outside of this environment, someone who has no ties to this place.

The bigger problem I'm facing is my bodily reaction. Initially, I hoped that the issue with the slick would dissipate with time, but now, I'm completely lost. Every morning after, I wake up drenched in sweat and slick between my thighs. My erogenous zones have become unbearably sensitive, to the point where the slightest touch of clothing feels overwhelming.

I could reach out to my guardian for help, but I'm too ashamed to make that call after our last conversation. The panic attack I experienced when I first encountered my slick left me feeling embarrassed and vulnerable. I fear facing her again with this new development.

I suspect that what I'm experiencing is related to my condition as a vampire, heightened by the fact that I've never fed from a human and never felt the urge to explore my more passionate side. It's a daunting realization, but one that I must confront if I hope to find a solution.

Maybe the appointment with the doctor will help me solve this problem. I've done some research on my own in the library, and it seems that a similar experience occurs in female wolf shifters during their heat cycle. They face the same slick problem, but theirs is more fragrant due to the involvement of their pheromones, which have individual scents like roses or grass. Guided by their unique scent, they attract the most compatible partner for them, and the stronger the smell of pheromones, the closer their heat cycle is.

However, they have a simple solution to this issue. Sex. The more sex they have, the better, because the male will infuse the female with his pheromones during intercourse, thereby calming her down. Reading about this, I've come to the conclusion that perhaps I need to take a more direct approach and try to calm my body down by engaging in sexual activity with a partner.

As I contemplate this solution, a wave of uncertainty washes over me. The idea of seeking out a partner solely to alleviate my bodily discomfort feels foreign and somewhat unsettling. But the persistent throbbing between my thighs and the relentless ache in my erogenous zones leave me with few alternatives.

As I found myself with a bit of free time today, I made the decision to pay Sam a visit in her hospital room. It's been two years since I last saw her, and I can't help but feel a sense of curiosity about how she looks now, especially considering the ordeal she endured. I heard that maniac nearly destroyed her body, and I firmly believe he would have killed her if not for the security intervened.

Walking through the corridors of the medical wing, a heavy sense of detachment settles over me, numbing my emotions with each step. The sterile environment and hushed whispers only serve to accentuate my icy resolve. I can't help but notice the cautious glances and veiled suspicion of the nurses I pass. It's as if they recognize the predator within me, yet they tread carefully, knowing better than to provoke a confrontation.

Approaching the door to Sam's room, I steel myself for the sight that awaits. She lies motionless on the bed, a mere shadow of the vibrant girl I once knew. Tubes and wires snake from her body, tethering her to the realm of the living. Despite the pang of remorse that tugs at the edges of my consciousness, I refuse to let it consume me. Sam made her choices, and she must bear the consequences.

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