Part 4

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Few hours later

After a full-blown panic attack and a call with my guardian, Rosalind, I finally understand what it's called—a "slick." It happens when a lot of potential human males surround a female vampire. It's a natural lubrication that ensures the human prey will be in their most vulnerable state, clouded in lust and ecstasy when the feeding takes place. As I feel the slick forming between my thighs, a shiver runs down my spine, a potent mixture of anticipation and dread coursing through my veins.

You might not realize it, but vampires are actually asexual beings. Our bodies aren't controlled by primal mating instincts like humans. For us, the driving force is feeding—directly from the veins of our victims. To lure in our prey, our bodies produce everything necessary. We're already designed to be irresistible to our main food source—humans. Our bodies are flawless, our voices seductive, and our movements graceful. Since humans are driven by lust, female vampires produce slick to lubricate their intimate areas.

Feeding from a lust-crazed human is like the ultimate high for a vampire. Sure, we're wired differently when it comes to desires, but vampires aren't strangers to lust and ecstasy. However, tapping into that through draining a lust-crazed human takes things to a whole new level. The secret? It's all in the blood—simple as that. When a vampire discovers a food source that not only sustains them but also sends them into euphoria, it creates an addictive bond. That's why vampires go to great lengths to preserve their chosen humans, avoiding draining them to death. It's not just about finding blood to feed on; it's about the emotional response of the prey, crucial to the predator. I can't help but wonder what it would be like to experience that euphoria firsthand, to lose myself in the throes of feeding.

Surprise, surprise—I've never had that experience. Why? Because I'm one of the few damn vampires allergic to human blood. So, it's been all about the animal blood for me. Needless to say, I haven't had such a bodily reaction and that scared me shitless. The thought of being denied that intoxicating high fills me with a sense of longing and frustration, a craving that gnaws at my insides like a relentless hunger.

You know, there are ups and downs to not feeding from humans. The downside? I'm weaker compared to other vampires, and the feeling of lust is like speaking a different language to me—it's that distant. Emotions? Sure, I get them. I can feel them buzzing around the people I'm with. But my brain? It filters them out, understands them, and if push comes to shove, I'd use those very emotions against them. The isolation of my condition weighs heavily on me, a constant reminder of my otherness in a world that thrives on desire and passion.

The perks of not feeding from humans? Let me break it down for you. First off, I don't go batshit crazy every time I smell human blood, which means I can actually live in bustling cities without wanting to sink my teeth into every passerby. And the best part? I get to geek out and focus on my true passion—studying blood. As I revel in the intricacies of hematology, a sense of purpose fills me, a driving force that propels me forward even in the face of adversity.

The intricacies of human anatomy have always captivated me—what distinguishes one species from another, and what elevates one above the rest. And without fail, the answer always lies within one thing—the blood. So, if I'm going to make sense of this eternal existence, I've resolved to dedicate myself to the study of blood, to unravel its mysteries and master its secrets.

So, that's why I'm back at school, but I don't get why they sent me back here—to Prime College. Sure, it's the top school in the empire, but there are specialized institutions focused on science and medicine. Here, they've got a great program too, but not every student is interested in actually studying. No, a lot of them are just here because their parents are loaded, and they're more interested in partying and coasting through life. They don't need to worry about their futures. Supernaturals live for centuries, so they figure they'll get around to doing something productive eventually—or they'll just float through life being social butterflies. I know from experience that this college is just a playground for the young, where they party, brawl, and screw around. I promised Rosalind that I'd give it a shot for a couple of months, but if it's as bad as it was before, she'll ship me off to another school faster than you can say "transfer."

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