Part 2

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a little bit more then 2 years later

The exhaustion from those damn training sessions was nothing compared to the mental hurricane tearing through my brain. My body felt like it had been hit by a truck, but my mind was on overdrive, twisted up in knots over the damn full moon and the screwed-up bond with the wrong mate.

As the freaking full moon crept closer, it just made the turmoil in my gut even worse, stirring up the restless beast inside me. I was dead tired, but my brain was buzzing with the pressure of finding my true mate, all thanks to the damn mistake of bonding with the wrong girl.

You know, they say finding your true mate is like finding the ultimate freaking jackpot. Supposedly, she's the magic solution to all my damn problems. Hell, she might even be the one to put a leash on my inner beast, which right now feels like it's ready to tear through anything in its path. And yeah, it's probably gonna solve my next headache too. I'm about to hit the ripe old age of 25, and in shifter years, that's when things start getting real. It's when our inner wolves hit their peak, and let me tell you, it's a freaking wild ride. 

But here's the kicker—I'm not just any shifter. I'm the heir to one of the biggest packs out there. At 25, us alpha heirs start stepping up our game, diving headfirst into the world of politics, making moves that could make or break us, and building our inner circle. And finding a mate? Yeah, she's gotta be trained up to be the future luna, the backbone of the whole damn pack.

It's been nearly two damn years, and yet I still can't shake off the stench of betrayal that clings to me like a freaking shadow. I was naive, stupid, and way too trusting. But you know what the kicker is? I forgot the golden rule, the one they drill into your head since birth—never forget that your inner beast is as much a part of you as your own damn soul. And that means every freaking decision has to be made in sync, always together, never flying solo, because when it comes down to it, our souls are freaking intertwined.

The mere thought that my colossal screw-up could potentially cost me the chance of ever finding my true luna sends me into a fiery rage. For the past two damn years, I've traversed through practically every freaking shifter pack known to man, attended more parties and balls than I can count, yet alas, my wolf remains as dormant as ever. Not a single omega has managed to stir even the slightest inkling of interest within him, and the mere touch of any of them sends him into a wild frenzy.

Two years later, and that night still feels like a fresh wound that won't heal. It was the night I saw the true nature of Sam. The memory keeps playing on repeat in my mind, a stark reminder to never let my emotions cloud my primal instincts.

Sam and I stumbled back from that goddamn party, only to face some ominous shit lurking in the shadows. The figure, cloaked in mist like some horror movie villain, set off a goddamn explosion that wrecked my whole damn world. Sam's voice, shaky as hell, kept echoing in my head with apologies, while just one fucking question flipped my entire reality upside down.

Where is your omega, Savage?

Looking back, it's fucking obvious something wasn't right. As the heir to the shifter pack, I was used to the adoration and the endless stream of potential partners. But when Sam entered the scene, she didn't make a damn impression, just another chick blending into the background with her fiery hair and scent barely even registering.

The first fucking clue should've been her scent. After a few damn months, it shifted from regular to downright irresistible. Even with my wolf chilling in the background, my emotions stirred, whispering that this chick might just be my goddamn fated mate.

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