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‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ RYU ‎(Y/N) LAZILY DRAGGED HERSELF along the empty halls of the high school building. Her entire class was forbidden to exit their classroom at such hours unless for emergencies — but the sun had set and decisions had been made. Kim Chi, Deok Joong, Jang-Soo and Young Shin; the four boys were in charge of sneaking out of the facility and collecting information on whether what the adults told them were true or not.

And (y/n)? Well.. apparently, she wasn't even included in the class decision. How naïve of her. She genuinely thought at least some of them considered her as a friend but she was dead wrong.

She was in the bathroom when the whole class gathered around for a plan, when she walked in mid-way, they all thought their secret was revealed until they realized it was her. Then Soo-Chul blurted out in the silence, "Wait, she wasn't here his whole time?" Then was when she knew. No one realized she was missing.

But it was okay. They didn't mean it like that.. They probably just forgot.

She exhaled a deep breath as she walked down the stairs to the floor of her platoon leader. The place was oddly quiet. She expected this floor to be occupied with at least a few soldiers but no — maybe it was specially reserved just for him.

The girl was finally at his doorstep, her hands lifted up to unlock the door — She paused.

"There's a high chance high school seniors will be drafted." She overheard a muffled conversation from inside the room. Even though she already guessed, her heart dropped upon the words spoke . She didn't know who it was, surely it wasn't Lieutenant Lee — she knew his voice a little too well to tell apart from another.

"They're only students. The situation that happened today, they won't accept-" Now this was the voice she knew. Was Lieutenant Lee trying to protect them?

She heard a chair screech, the man had got up. "We will make them accept."

He slammed his hands onto the metal desk, getting up as he tried to calm himself down. "Sir. They're only kids."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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𝐍𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒| duty after schoolWhere stories live. Discover now