II. Way Out

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Unaware of the kingdom's situation outside those palace walls, the princess sneaked past the maids and out the staff's personal door that led into the huge courtyard covered by beautiful layers of snow behind the palace. The fresh air wafted into her nose and the nature's breeze brushed her porcelain skin, the ends of her hair flowing gracefully with it. The strange familiar feeling brought a sense of melancholy to her, missing the times her younger self used to play around this same frosty white covered nature. The maze ahead of her led to an hidden exit on the southern castle wall. And hopefully, despite all these years locked up, she still remembered her way through the large maze.

Quietly making her way through the tall walls of green, it's top covered by the falling snow, her bare feet welcomed the comforting sensation of the smooth stone path beneath them, the cold welcoming her into the maze. The pathways lighted by strings of lights hanging above her head, bordered with beautiful glistening sculptures of ice, one of them missing a tiny piece, a memory long forgotten in the princess' mind. The tiny polar bear. It was missing a claw.


"Eomma!" the toddler giggled, calling out to her mother, running into the maze trying to escape her father's grasp when she tripped, tumbling down and along with her fell the sculpture of a tiny polar bear made of ice. One she had watched her father build.

"Dong!" the king cried out rushing to the 4 years old princess who clumsily sat up and giggled, the relief of their daughter being safe made him sigh. His heart had nearly dropped when she fell into the sculpture.

"I'm okay!" the child giggled, clumsily returning to her feet, "But he's not." she suddenly gasped pointing at the sculpture tumbled on the floor, claw missing from the fall. And her father couldn't help but to laugh.

"It's okay." he stated as he rose the sculpture, the princess' tiny hands imitating her father's in an attempt to help him.


A frown on her face as she examined the sculpture, a strange sense of melancholy overwhelmed her but she couldn't remember where she'd seen this. She was too little to remember. But she didn't have time to think much. She must continue her journey to find her escape. And as she headed further into the nature maze, its breathtaking glimpse into the frozen wilderness, she found a pond. It lay still and serene as snowflakes adorned its surface, the little sunlight that got into the maze reflected on it made them sparkle, almost like diamonds. She knew she was on the right path.

But as she delved deeper into the maze, the more dangerous it became. Clandestine whispers of men and steps going in various directions. She mustn't let them see her. Or she'll never make it out alive. But she didn't know that.

Tightening the grip on the pair of shoes in hand, the princess moved more carefully, as silently as she could, and as quietly as possible, not wanting to get caught by those she assumed were staff members. But those were far worse than staff, soldiers of Sunnyvale that found the small iron gate on the side of the castle and managed to break in. They had been lost for days in the maze, some have died once their resources run out others fell into the trap later on. None managing to find their way out of the maze once ventured into. Neither could they find the way into the castle, but eventually, they couldn't find the small iron gate from where they'd come anymore. The enchanted maze kept them going in circles, a protective measure against foreigners who dare to venture with evil intentions at heart.

Although her mind could not remember the right turns to take, it was as if she knew by heart. Every turn she took led in the right direction an soon she stopped by the small iron gate she remembered. Quietly pushing it open, the princess was met by complete silence, the once beautiful white landscapes now tainted crimson. Closing the gate behind her just as quietly, the princess put on the pair of shoes she brought in hand before venturing further into the dangers of her so longed for world.


Delved further and further away from the castle, the princess was left speechless, heartbroken by the most horrid imagery she witnessed. When had her beautiful and peaceful kingdom turned into such chaos? The devastating silence overwhelmed the crimson tainted kingdom. Citizens hugging lost loved ones, children kneeled beside a female lifeless body begging their mothers to wake up.

The calm and serene atmosphere that once filled the streets of Glaciara now long gone. And the more she explored the more she understood her parents reasons. But her curiosity kept her from looking back as she simply kept going when she got yanked behind a barricade, a soft and petite hand covered her mouth muffling the scream she let out.

"Shhh. They're everywhere." the whisper against her ear sent shivers down her spine. Who was the person talking about? Shoving the person from her, the princess glared daggers.

"Kkamjjagya!" cried out the princess, "Who are you-"

"Shh, people. Sunnyvale soldiers. They're everywhere, be quiet!" the stranger scolded, index pressed to the middle of their own lips. The sound of heavy iron clacking seemed to be getting closer and closer. Although bloodshed had been dormant for the past year, it didn't mean those men wouldn't murder the next Glaciara citizen they'd see.

"I just escaped Sunnyvale. If my parents find out I ran to Glaciara, I'm in big trouble." the raven sighed as the soldiers began to move away from them. "You must be a Glaciara citizen. How are you so oblivious to the dangers?"

"My parents wouldn't let me leave the palace. How do you expect me to know when this is the first time I'm stepping outside in 12 years locked away?" the princess crossed her arms, raised eyebrow at the girl's statement.

"Princess Handong!?" the raven cried out in a whisper. "I'm the daughter of Sunnyvale's king and queen. I was on my way to your palace. I know how to stop the war my parents started. But I can't do it alone."

"How do I know I can trust you?" the ice Princess questioned, "How do I know your intentions are pure?"

Sighing, the raven looked the other Princess in the eyes, "You can't. But listen here, I wouldn't be putting myself in danger if I was in on whatever plan my father has. You're not the only one at risk here. They'll kill us both if they find us. I was locked away too. Until I overheard a conversation between your parents and mine. And I knew my parents were not going to give in." the Glaciara princess raised an eyebrow, frowning at the girl's words "We need to make our way to Blossomvale. Get into the castle and convince Princess Minji to join our side so their soldiers will join Glaciara's to fight my parents."

"Do you know how to get there?" was all the paler princess said, she was hesitant. But the girl's plan seemed good enough for her to side with her until she could find her way.


"Eommoni!" cried Glaciara's youngest princess, "I can't find unnie!" she sobbed. That's Handong's little sister, Yoohyeon. She was 10 years younger than her sister.

"What? Yoohyeonie, calm down, what do you mean you can't find your sister? Have you checked the musical room?" the maid asked, taking the little girl's hand to help her look for the older princess.

The child nodded, following close to the maid as they searched the whole palace. That's when the maid's eyes widened and she knelt before the 8 years old princess, "Why don't you go play in your room and I'll find DongDong for you?" she offered a smile and the little girl nodded, running off to her room.

The Glaciara's princesses were always so well behaved, why would Handong suddenly break every rule and flee the castle?

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