XII. The Unbearable Truth

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Handong ran back to the big empty room, closing the door behind her. She let her back lean against the door as a sigh escaped her, with the back of her hand she wiped the fallen tears.

"Please.. I know you're in there Handong..." Bora softly spoke, "Shit..." she mumbled as a guard was headed her way. "There's no one here, I just checked. I saw someone running that way." she was quick to point in the opposite direction.

"Alright. If you find them, kill them." the guard stated taking off.

As his heavy footsteps began to fade, Handong quietly opened the door letting Bora in, who closed the door behind her.

"We need to get you out of here. Where's your sister?" Bora looked genuinely worried as she looked around. Handong just stood there trying to read the woman's intentions through her beautiful brown orbs.

"How do you plan to get us out of here without the guards noticing?" she asked after a moment.

"We'll need to be extra careful. Blossomvale's guards have wiped a few of Sunnyvale's. We'll just need to be cautious with our surroundings and extremely quiet.

Handing nodded, "Follow me." was all she said as she took the raven's hand in hers.

"Handong!" the brunette cried out, knocking the hair out of the blonde in a tight embrace. She had been so worried.

"Minji..." Handong hugged back, sighing relieved to see her friend again.

"Oh my dear daughters." the familiar voice called out, rushing to them.

"엄마!(Mom!)" both girls cried out running into her arms. "I was worried sick I couldn't find you!" Handong let out a sniffle as she hugged her tight.

"Your friend got us out on time. She went back alone to get you two." their mother pressed a tender kiss to the top of their heads before picking Yoohyeon into her arms who hid into her neck with soft sniffles while Handong looked back at the raven. Perhaps this was the reason she needed to forgive her.

"아빠는 어디 있을까?(Where's daddy?)" asked the young Yoohyeon looking up at her mother who seemed to sadden at the question.

"아빠는 had to go somewhere, honey." was all she said with a sigh as she set her daughter down, while Yoohyeon nodded with a smile, Handong felt her heart drop to her stomach. She had a really bad feeling. "Yoohyeonie, why don't you go with Minji to play with little Gahyeon for a while, hm? Mommy needs to talk to your sister." The little girl nodded taking the brunette's hand.

"아빠!? 확실한가요? (Daddy!? Are you sure?)" the blonde princess cried out. She had no idea what to think. She felt betrayed once again. A person she loved dearly wasn't who she thought he was in the end. "So daddy planned all of this with Bora's dad!? He wanted me dead..?"

She felt her heart break into a million pieces. How could he? Her own father. Before the queen could say anything else, Handong took off running to the only place she knew in Queen Minji's palace.. the room she had stayed last time she was here bumping into the raven's shoulder on her way there. Closing the door behind her, she let her back slide against the door as she fell to the floor, eyes red as tears fell like raindrops, warm against her pale skin.

"Handong?" a soft voice came from the other side filled with concern but received no response. All the person could hear was the soft sniffles of the blonde who tried her hardest not to make a noise. She wanted to be alone. "Handong, please let me in. Talk to me."

Finally recognising the soft voice, Handong moved away from the door and the brunette slowly opened it, quickly rushing to squat down and pull her into her arms, "It's okay... Let it all out." Minji held her tight, soothingly rubbing her back as Handong started to sob. She was completely devastated. "I'm so sorry, dear..." her heart ached for her. She couldn't imagine how hurt she must be in that moment.

"My own father..." Handong mumbled out through the hiccups, she couldn't make sense of it. Why would he do such horrible things to his people? To his own family. "H-How could he have planned the attack..? If he wanted me and my sister gone.. why did he keep us locked inside..? I don't get it, Minji... He always seemed to be so focused on keeping us safe..."

"Shhh, I don't know Dongie... But we'll figure out what's going on. You're gonna be okay, I promise." Minji reassured, although she herself was unsure of what the future held for them. "Why don't you lay down for a bit and get some sleep? You must be exhausted." Minji softly suggested, rising to her feet and pulling Handong up with her. Her hands cupped the blonde's face as her thumb tenderly wiped away the fallen tears.

"Thank you..." Handong mumbled as the brunette led her to the bed, helping her lay down and tucking her in, like a mother would.

"If you need anything just call, okay? I'll be in the room next door. Sleep well, kitty." she said softly brushing a few strands off the blonde's face, who had gotten comfortable already, and got up but before she could walk away, the blonde reached for her wrist.

"You can't let Yoohyeon know." she stated firmly, she didn't want her sister to hurt the way she was hurting. Minji nodded to her request before she left the room closing the door on her way out. She knew it would be a harsh fight for Handong to get over her father's betrayal but she knew she'd remain by her side through it all. Handong needed a friend now more than ever.

"I swear there's been a mistake! I didn't plan anything!" he insisted, his hands wrapped around the iron bars that imprisoned him.

"We all heard what happened, just confess and it'll be less painful." the guard rolled his eyes as he stood nearby.

"I can't confess to what I haven't done!"

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