VIII. Allies or Traitors?

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"We've made our decision."


"Like this." Bora chuckled, twirling for the little 8 years old who tried her best to copy. Her giggles filled the halls as she ran and danced through them with her sister's new friend.

"I can't!" The little girl giggled trying time and time again.

"Yes, you can." Dong stated with a soft chuckle of her own as she came into the room. Glaciara's princess had never been too trusting on first met but for some reason she seemed to trust Bora. And Yoohyeon seemed to like her too.

"DongDong!" the little girl ran to her sister, taking her to where she was, "Do it with me?" she gave her sister her signature puppy eyes.

"Alright, alright." she chuckled, twirling around after her little sister showed her what Bora had taught her. Dong was grateful Bora had so much energy to spend and chose to use it to entertain little Yoohyeon, distracting the little girl from the chaos.

"You're doing better than your big sister, see?" Bora chuckled, it wasn't half as true as the little girl believed but it made her happy. And that's all she wanted.

"I told you you could do it." Dong said, kneeling in front of her sister.

"Girls." the familiar wolf's voice called out, "My parents have made their decision." she informed making Dong and Bora look at each other before nodding their heads.

"Yoohyeonie, why don't you go and play with the toys Yubin gave you? I'll join you really soon, okay?" Dong said, planting a kiss upon the little girl's head who nodded and took off.

The blonde princess sighed, joining Siyeon's side and walking to the meeting room. To say that she was nervous was an understatement. She was terrified. If they refused to help.. their plans would come crashing down.

It had been a few days since they had arrived, Bora had managed to escape and meet back with the girls in the meantime. Seemingly unharmed.

Soon enough, all 6 girls found themselves in front of Crimsonfalls' king and queen, nervously hoping for the best.

"We've made our decision." the king stated from where he sat at the throne.

"After a few days of pondering, we've decided to join hands with your kingdoms. We believe this war has been going on for too long and if you, Miss Bora, know how to put a stop to this we will give you our help and trust. But don't betray us." the queen softly spoke yet assertively. It was a warning to the raven princess.

"Yes, your majesty." the raven said before bowing, the rest of the girls bowing as well with a 'thank you' followed after.

Once excused, the girls left to their respective rooms. Siyeon and Yubin had provided some clothing for the girls so they could clean themselves and change. They figured they must have been wearing the same thing for a while now.


"Careful, Yoohyeonie. You'll trip if you run. Pabo..." Dong softly spoke shaking her head as she walked into the bathroom after her little sister. She had prepared a bath for the young one.

"DongDong..?" the little girl shyly called as her little sister washed her hair, "Why did appa yell at the tiny raven? She's really nice." the look of confusion in her face had Dong sighing.

"You see, there's a lot going on at our home. And some really bad things were done to our people that one day, when you're older, you'll understand better. But the cause of those bad things is Bora unnie's parents." she tried to explain as vaguely as possible, "But appa doesn't understand... She's not guilty of her parents wrong doings."

"Oh. What bad things?" curiosity sparked the little kid who looked at her big sister.

"Just some bad things, puppy." she said, gently pulling her sister's head back to rinse her hair and prevent any water mixed with shampoo from going into her eyes.

"Bora unnie is really fun. Why are her parents such mean people?" Yoohyeon asked with a saddened look on her face, "She must be so sad." at the thought, the little girl was suddenly sad too and a few tears swarmed her eyes.

"She may. Why don't we get you out of the shower and ready so we can go give her a big hug? Would that make you feel better?" Dong suggested, wiping her hands before brushing away the tears on her little sister's face who immediately nodded with a smile.


"Woah, haha, what's that for kid?" Bora chuckled, arms wrapping around the 8 years old girl.

"Don't be sad! You're really fun! I like you!" the little girl exclaimed making both the raven and the blonde chuckle.

"How can I be sad when I get to be hugged by such an adorable little girl?" she said, hand gently brushing through the little girl's hair. Dong was beyond appreciative of Bora's patience with her little sister. She knew sometimes Yoohyeon could get a little clingy or too excited but Bora seemed to deal with all her moods so easily.

"Come on, puppy. We should let her get ready now." Dong called, holding out her hand for the little girl who immediately ran to take it with a nod.

"Bye, Bora unnie!" she waved as Dong pulled her out of the raven's room just as Bora's phone went off.

"Appa? Yes. Everything's going according to plan. I have their full trust. Specially the ice princess Han Dong's." the devil like smirk suddenly took over the usual friendly smile.

"That's my good girl. Make sure you get them killed before tomorrow's sunset." the deep voice of her father on the other side of the phone was made heard.

"Ne. I'll get it done, appa. Tell eomma I miss her." she said before hanging up the call. Phone thrown to the bed, Bora hummed a song as she changed herself to the clothes provided to her.

Everything was going according to plan.

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