III. Survival

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"I never got your name." the princess stated, her platinum blonde hair perfectly falling over her shoulders as she looked at the raven haired princess.

"Bora. Kim Bora." the raven simply said, eyes examining their surroundings before she took the younger princess's hand and took off. The ice princess's eyes widened as she stumbled at first before regaining her balance and running with her.

"Yah!" she cried out trying to keep up with the tiny female, "Stop, running! That will only attract more attention!"

"Too late now, just run!" Princess Bora yelled, dragging the taller female with her. Until Hanson yanked her back.

"WATCH OUT!" Dong cried, had she not yanked the shorter girl back and she would've been caught in crossfire between two soldiers.

"Thank you." she sighed in relief realising what could've just happened hadn't it been for the other Princess.


"Your majesty, the princess is missing." the maid informed as the parents returned from their negotiation, knelt before them, hands on her knees and head low. "I've looked everywhere for her, she's nowhere to be seen. Princess Yoohyeon is in her room playing but she won't take long to notice I still haven't found her sister."

The parents eyes widened in concern, "So my eyes were not mistaken. I did see my daughter out there with Sunnyvale's Princess." the queen said before falling to her knees with sobs.

"Don't worry, we'll find her. We'll bring her home." the king had knelt beside the queen, hand gently rubbing soothing circles on his wife's back. Of course his heart broke just as much, but he must keep a strong front for his wife and younger daughter now. "Inform my spokesman to warn the kingdom of the princess's unknown whereabouts. But be careful. This shall not reach Sunnyvale or they'll hunt my poor daughter down. Then stay with my dear Yoohyeonie. Make sure she does not leave your sight. She's really close to her sister, she might leave the palace to look for her."

The maid nodded and quickly rose, bowing as she left to do as told.


Seeing the confused frown on the raven princess's face, the blonde princess hesitated to follow, "Why are you frowning? What happened?"

"My father... He sent soldiers to attack Blossomvale too... W-When did this happen..? Wasn't the bloodshed in Glaciara's enough..?" her eyes glistened with tears at the devastation her father had caused in both kingdoms. "Maybe you should head without me... There's no way Princess Minji and her parents will welcome me in now. But you? You're the only chance we have to stop this bloodshed."

"Yah! Shut up." the taller female slapped the raven's arms. "I put my trust in you, you're not backing out now." Bora's eyes widened as the blonde's hand reached for hers. "You are not your parents, are you? Why would you be risking getting nearly killed if you were in on their vicious game? Isn't that what you told me?"

Silence fell upon them as Princess Bora continued to lead the way to the castle, with no idea how they'd get through those walls. Much less now that the sun had set and darkness reigned.

"We should find some place to lay low and rest for the night. My kingdom's soldiers will rest soon, they require sunlight to have energy. As do I..." the Sunnyvale's princess stated, looking around before pulling Glaciara's princess with her quietly to a small wooden house where she knocked. It was faint, her energy nearly drained out the further she used her energy without sunlight.

"Yah!" the blonde whisper cried, grabbing the raven's body as it fell unconscious and knocked on the door once again. That's when an old lady opened the door. "We're so sorry to bother you ajumma... We needed a place to rest for the night... We've got nowhere else to go. I promise we'll be out first thing in the morning." her tone was stable, cold despite the respectful words leaving her mouth.

"Oh dear, of course. What happened? Is she okay?" the old lady asked, stepping aside to allow them in and the taller princess nodded softly, lifting the raven's body fully to walk inside.

"Her energy has runout." was all she said as the kind woman prepared a place for them to rest and the younger princess then laid the raven to rest.

"Have you eaten anything, my dear? Would you like some warm milk?" the lady offered but the blonde denied.

"That's alright, ajumma. It is already a big favour you're doing us for letting us stay in." she offered a smile at the kind lady.

"Please, I insist." the lady returned the smile with one of her own.

"I can't have warm drinks, it's alright." she bowed, sitting beside Bora who laid unconscious, regaining her energies at a very slow pace.

"Oh my, apologies. You must be from Glaciara. I'd offer you something cold but I'm afraid I have nothing here at the moment." the lady said and the princess shook her head.

"It is alright, ajumma. Do not worry." Handong reassured, lying down over the covers. After all, warmth was her biggest enemy.

"You're very kind, my dear." the lady smiled, before her eyes widened in realisation once she fully looked at the blonde. "Oh my." the old woman struggled but bowed and the princess was quick to raise and help her raise properly. "Apologies, Princess. I had not realised it was you, your highness."

"Please, there's no need for formalities with me, ajumma. I'm no different than anyone else." she smiled, the lady nodded. "You should get some rest as well, ajumma. Please, allow me to help you."

"It is alright. Rest yourself, you must've traveled far to be here. May I ask who your friend is?" the lady stated before curiously looking at the unconscious raven.

"She's Sunnyvale's princess Bora. She ran away just like I did... We're here to ask Princess Minji to help us put an end to this bloodshed but she requires sunlight to keep going." Handong explained and the woman's eyes widened.

"She must leave. I can't have her here. She'll betray you. Just like her parents betrayed yours." the old lady's tone suddenly warning. "Princess Minji is no longer a princess. Her parents have been murdered at that girl's patents' hands. She's the ruler now. She's the Queen."

"She won't. She's putting her own life at risk, ajumma. She nearly got killed earlier... Please. We need a place to stay. We'll be gone in the morning as soon as the sun rises." the princess sighed and the lady followed before nodding and heading into her quarters.

"Just be careful. She might stab you in the back."

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