VI. Familiar Feuds

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"I'M A CHEETAH!" a little raven girl shouted out, zooming through the echoing hallways of the palace, "WEEEEEEEE! I'M SO FAST!"

"KIM BORA!" that was enough to freeze the little girl in place, eyes widened with tears quickly forming like little shining diamonds rolling down her porcelain skin.

"Mianhae, appa..." the infant's head lowered, hands hidden behind her back as she nervously fidgeted with her fingers.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM AND STAY QUIET!" the infant nodded and in wobbly legs ran into her room. Tears spilling from her eyes as the maid followed behind to cheer up the infant.


The raven princess ran after the eight years old who laughed as she tried her best to escape the tickle monster chasing after her. Handong chuckled at the scene. She hadn't seen her little sister this hyped and energetic since she was an infant.

But just as the raven was about to catch her, a strong hand was yanking her away from the raven, "Ow! Appa! You're hurting me!" the little girl wriggled in a desperate attempt to escape her father's grasp.

"Yah! Let go! I'll stop playing with her, but you need to let go! You're hurting her!" Bora cried out, she grabbed Yoohyeon's hand with one of hers while the other tried to get the king to release her.

"APPPA!" the older blonde yelled, "Let Yoohyeon go! Bora isn't gonna hurt her but you are hurting her!"

The older princess rushed to her little sister's aid, "I want your sister as far away as possible from her. It is bad enough your mother allowed her to stay."

Handong was genuinely shocked with her father. She had never seen him act this way towards anyone let alone hurting one of his daughters, "Stop! Why are you being like this? She's not her parents!" the usually cold princess had tears now threatening to fall, "I almost died twice! You should be thanking her for saving your daughter's life and going against her own parents! Not yelling and treating her like she's some wild animal!"

The eight years old princess had managed to wriggle her way out of her father's grasp in the meantime and ran to Bora, who stood there frozen, and tugged on her sleeve before hugging her waist.

"See? You're scaring Yoohyeon! I know what's good for her better than you do so leave her alone." to say that the oldest princess was annoyed would be the biggest understatement. She was not only annoyed but she was angry. All the anger accumulated inside of her throughout the years had finally burst and it was shocking to see.


"Appa?" an infant on wobbly legs called, she had to be no older than 3 three years old.

"Yoohyeonie?" at the sound of her sister's nickname for her, she turned and wobbly ran to her giggling before being scooped up into her sister's arms. "What are you doing, silly? Shouldn't you be playing?" the older girl, who was only 13, asked, her index and thumb playfully pinching the infant's nose.

"Appa." the little one looked up at the older sister, eyes big and gleaming. It killed her to be the barrier of bad news.

"Aw, Yoohyeonie, appa is far away." tears immediately swarmed the little girl's puppy eyes breaking the older's heart.

"Again?" when the infant received a nod from the eldest, she sniffled, head burying into the girl's neck to hide her reddened face.

"Don't cry, Yoohyeonie, please. How about we play your favourite game?" she suggested, cheering the girl right away.

"Hide and seek?" the infant gasped and the eldest nodded with a chuckle.


"Do you have any idea how many times she cried for you? No! Because you were never around. What happened? You used to be glued to me when I was her age! Why did she not get the same treatment?" she cried out in frustration, walking to Yoohyeon and picking her up before taking Sunnyvale's princess by the hand and stomping on her way to her room. While poor Queen Minji was left behind, simply following behind the other three not wanting to be left with the king and queen of Glaciara who were twice her age.

Princess Bora, however, was with wide open eyes in utter shock. She wasn't used to people siding with her for genuine reasons. Let alone expect the princess that fell victim to her parents' unreasonable wrath against Glaciara's kingdom.


"I'll come back, eomma. Safe and sound. And when I do.. everything will be over. I promise. Just stay here and please look after Yoohyeon for me." the eldest daughter of  Glaciara's Queen sounded more like the youngest's mother than anything. Her love and care for the petite princess was undeniably strong and it was no doubt the little girl loved her right back.

With goodbyes bid and tears spilled, the three girls left to continue their long awaiting journey to find peace. It was early in the morning and the sun had just risen from the horizon ahead and with energies recharged, it was no doubt the unsettled, hyper princess led the way in the most quietly unique ways towards Crimsonfalls.

But something didn't go as planned when they come to an abrupt stop and a petite figure bumps into them.

"Yoohyeonie!?" all three girls cried out at the sight of the eight years old princess standing there, a proud smile plastered gracefully across her lips. "What are you doing here? What were you thinking?" the eldest princess of Glaciara added, her tone came out as a scolding rather than just pure concern has she had intended bringing tears to her sister's eyes.

"I don't wanna stay with eomma and appa.. I wanna go with you." the poor child sniffled, eyes gleaming with little diamond tears.

"No, no. Don't cry! I'm not mad, Yoohyeonie. But you could have gotten hurt. And I don't want you to ever get in harms way, you're my little sister.

Yoohyeon nodded, rushing on her feet to hug the tall blonde who sighed returning the hug. Putting worry aside, she was proud of the eight year old. They had made it quite far from the castle and Yoohyeon managed to stay safe and unnoticed and it came as such a surprise for the older sister. After all, her little sister had always been so clumsy.

Sighing, the princess took her little sister's hand to continue on the journey towards Crimsonfalls. Now that she knew about her, she'd make sure no harm would come her way.

The way to Crimsonfalls seemed to be peaceful, quiet. Too quiet.

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