chapter 1

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Au's pov-


The brown hair girl close the door of the cab and turn to see her two excited friends coming towards her.

Her red lips form a sweet smile as she stumble from the eagerness girl hugging her body tightly. A chuckle leave her lips as she was seperate by a black hair girl who pull the ear of the red head who whine.

"Didn't I told you to not to rush! What if you hit that car or made y/n fall down...", the black hair girl also known as bong strict graze at red hed girl, min-gi.

"I was excited to see her back", min-gi pout as she looks down.

Y/n feeling sad decide to step forward to embrace her pouting friend in a warm hug.

"It's okay my bear!! I love your hug more then anything...", y/n whisper as min-gi smile brightly.

Bong cross her hands over her chest then huff as she playful avoid looking at them.

"And we also love to hug our drama queen who thinks we don't know about her secretly evilling to get one too...",  y/n tease and pull bong to hug her too.

Bong whine loudly as she push them but then smile as they giggle around.

"Baby....", another men call out making y/n break the hug and turn to smile at him while blushing as min-gi whistle.

She was picked up by her thick waise and circle around as she hold the person by his shoulder to lean down and kiss his lips.

Her legs land again on the floor where she wrap her hand around his neck to pull him closer.

"Umm.....", y/n whine as she push him off them smile as her creamy brown eyes meet his amber ones.

"I miss you love..", he whisper as he lean down to kiss her nose.

She blush more and hide her face into his neck to avoid looking at him.

"Come on y/nnnn !! We are getting late...", min-gi call from a far as she had start walking with bong towards the entrance.

"You to potatoe face boy!", she tease as he turn to yell at her.

"My name is Andrew not potatoe face...", this made min-gi to laugh loudly.

Y/n smile as she link her arm with his then pull him forward as he grunts under his breathe then smile while looking down at his girlfriend.

"You are looking amazing babe", andrew whisper making her giggle.

She push him playfully as he try to kiss her cheek before looking up when they enter inside the cabinet.

Andrew hug her last time then left behind with a promise to meet in the lunch break.

Y/n walk to her seat while removing her purse and kept it on the table then seat down on her chair.

She press on the computer to power on then enter her code and lean back as the window was loading. Her eyes move up to see their general manager coming out of his cabin.

He stop in the middle then clap his hands loudly earing the attention of the room. She turn her chair to face him as he smile towards them.

"Good morning guys.. I have an announcement to make but first can any of you guess it for me?", he tease as the boys and girls whisper to eachother.

Y/n look at min-gi who was seating on her back side and rise her eyebrows. She shrugged off her shoulder as in not really knowing of the matter.

"Okay okay! Let me give you a hint, um.... You have being working hard for this.. like for a whole seven months..", he smile towards them.

"Is it about the deal we have been trying to get..", one of the girl ask making him shake his head.

"No not that.. guess more...", he chuckled.

"Are we getting promoted?", one boy laugh.

"Not that!! How can this many people promote together?", manager frown then smile again.

"Sir please say na..", another worker whine making him smile bright.

"Okay so the marking scheme of the last product we have created are already at the earliest limit and have sold out faster than before!", this information made them all start clapping and cheering.

"And... And our CEO have announced that you will be given a full two week holidays to rest...", this cause the cheers louder.

Y/n grin as she looks at min-gi and bong who were smile in happiness.

"I know you are already planning where to go but one more thing is that sir have sponcer a trip in woods so the location have being e-mail with the list of things need!! ", manager smile as he saw the happy faces.

"People who are going please forward me your answer till tonight and who aren't joining then please proceed with your own wishes!! ", manager says.

"Thank you so much sir..", another worker greet him with a bow.

"It's alright and make sure to respond soon!! Have a great holiday weekend", with that he left from there.

Y/n wink towards min-gi who gave her thumbs up then turn to look over her computer. Y/n turn back to look at her screen then bite her lip.

She pull her phone out to chat with her boyfriend.

'baby do you got notified about the trip?', she typed.

Y/n lock her phone to keep it aside but the screen light up with his name and response.

' yes we got to know that!! I'm already eager to go and spend time with you in nature with peace ', he responded.

She quickly turn on her phone then text back to him with a smile.

' me too !! Did you send your reply yet?', she typed.

'yes i did!! What about you?', he asked.

' I'm going to do it now!! ', she said.

' go for it! Babe will talk later!! Love you 😚', he texted.

'sure baby.. love you too 😘', she responds.

Y/n put her phone away with a smile as she was still shy from tell him the words. Both of them have been together since their college days.

Together they have achive their degree then started working for this company. Their bond had lots of up and down yet they have being together with love and happiness.

Y/n open her email I'd to check the mail where she found it to see the listing need to fill with where and what time they will be going.

The date was listed about two days later with the form below to be fill. She type down her information then press the send button to send her response where a blue tick came on the screen.

Another mail came where the things list for what to bring was made with the amount of clothes and types.

"Sure it will be fun ..", she murmur to herself and close the tab before starting her work.


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