JC! 3|Teacher's Pet (🔥, 🔪, 👀)

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Once they made JAPEA CAMERAS, things started to get more odd, and real rumors have been sppreading around the clasroom where Isha and Jiu (Italy & Yolanda) are dating, but theres one secret that wasn't spread around yet. It was a secret where Isha and Jiu made out together in Jiu's house. Everything was already wild and Vincent broke up with Isha.

But theres one thing thats starting to get odd and making Vivi's reputation going down. Which is Vivi's Jealousy, she had disadvantages of her turning to an honor student and she had parents issues where she cannot handle. But things go weirder and weirder each day.

(September 6, 2023 in Recess)

"Hey Vision, are you okay? You kinda feel dull these days and you never talk with us anymore." Zyy (Avocado) asked her. "No, ISN'T THAT CLEAR? Just leave me alone please." Zyy didn't mean to trigger Vivi with her actions and plus Essa was feeling happy today meanwhile Vivi wasn't. Vivi started overthinking as if she wasn't worth it and if Essa was the Teachers Pet. She was already pissed off.

One time she wanted to spy on Essa and Mrs. Stella. Mrs. Stella hated Vivi for her attitude and personality just because she was loud, sometimes Vivi would cry her feelings out inside her bedroom.

When Vivi spied on Essa and Mrs. Stella, Mrs. Stella gave answers for the upcoming exam they would have during September 7, 2023. Her fists were going up as if she wanted to punch Mrs. Stella and Essa so badly but Vivienne cutted her off. "Vision, are you fine? You seem like you're gonna cry, please talk with us." "No Butterfly. I can't. My reputation is getting destroyed just because of this stupid SHIT!" She runs off the hallway and went back to the classroom as if she was on a bad mood.

(End Of Recess)

It was now Mrs. Stella's class, Vivi's smile dropped and she caught Mrs. Stella looking at Essa. After all, Mrs. Stella was just a subject teacher, but once they reach in the next grade she will be their new adviser.

"Alright Class, who would like to answer this question?" said Mrs. Stella. Vivi's hands raised first before Essa but she still called Essa instead of her. She was about to form her fists and wanting to punch them both out with jealousy.

Vivienne then noticed that she was on a bad mood and that she was angry. "Hey.. Vision, why are you so angry right now?" "Please leave me alone, I don't wanna talk about it right now." she did want to talk about it with her but she would be scared that she might be called an attention seeker for it.

Vivi planned something very dark which is today. She planned on killing Mrs. Stella in 4:00 PM, she was prepared and she was ready to kill her as if she was a serial killer in the classroom. Meanwhile, Isha and Jiu were just laughing and stuff and were revealed as a new couple in the classroom. Zyy caught Vincent looking at them both with Jealousy and Vincent had a death stare. "Hey Valentine, don't you notice Vincent being jealous with them both?" "Yeah I do." Zyy and Valerie gossiped about some unusual stuff in class and they were laughing.

Vivi already wanted to do her plan but she was also anxious, she might also go to jail for it too. She also caught Yua looking at her as if she liked her as a friend. Vivi also glared at Yua but Yua then got scared because Vivi was on a very bad mood.

(Lunch Time)

"Hey Vivi, come on eat with us. We know you're in a bad mood but please come on and eat with us, quit with being mad." said Yua to Vivi. "No, please one more time. Leave me alone, give me time to rest." "Bu-" "NO BUTS YUA LEAVE ME ALONE!" She ran off with her lunch box but Vivi accidentally dropped her secret notebook. Yua opened a secret note she had in there and it was the plan she wrote during class. What Vivi wrote there was deep. "I WILL KILL MRS. STELLA, VERY SOON IF ITS 4:00PM TODAY. GOODBYE MRS. STELLA."

Yua ripped out the note and kept it inside her pocket. She brought the secret notebook with her and placed it in her arm chair in order not to be suspicious. Yua was even scared to talk with Vivi because she had many thoughts in her mind that can ruin her.

(Time Skip to 4:00 PM)

Yua followed Vivi secretly but she brought a pocket knife and a large knife with her. She also brought a rope where she would tie Mrs. Stella in a chair. "Finally this time has came, i can finally do it." Vivi finally saw Mrs. Stella and talked with her.

"Hey Mrs. Stella, may I ask something to you?" "Oh sure, why not. But don't take too long because I still have lessons with Essa." "Look behind you." Mrs. Stella looked behind and made her pass out.

When Mrs. Stella looked behind her, Vivi covered her mouth and made her unconscious. Yua saw her dragging her body to a dark room where it says employees only. Nobody was supposed to enter there but Vivi entered.

Gladly nobody was there, she also found a chair where she could put Mrs. Stella there. Yua followed her silently and She was shaking. "This stupid bitch. Always Essa and ESSA!" Mrs. Stella then woke up with her being tied in a chair and her mouth being covered with tape.

"MMM!!!" said Mrs. Stella. Vivi stood in front of Mrs. Stella showing her a picture of Essa where she kept in her pocket. She ripped the photo and Mrs. Stella kept mumbling as she was in fear. Vivi pulled out a knife and went behind Mrs. Stella. She took the tape out of her mouth just to hear her speak.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME YOU HOE!!" said Mrs. Stella. "I should be the one asking you, what are you doing to me too? You hate me, you make me do everything and punish me that wasn't my fault." she slits the knife right through her throat as it bled.

Mrs. Stella shouted as she was in fear. Yua also saw Vivienne coming near her and she called her name"VIVIENNE PLEASE HELP, MRS. STELLA IS GONNA GET KILLED" "Yua, thats for her own good. Mrs. Stella has been treating Vivi like shit. So don't even try calling the cops." Said Vivienne.

Yua didn't listen to Vivienne but she called the cops secretly. Yua tried to find a place where she can call the cops secretly."Hello, this is 911, whats your emergency?" "Please help, my subject teacher has been held hostage and tortured by my classmate, PLEASE COME HERE QUICKLY!" "Alright Ma'am, We'll be right there after 4 minutes."

Blood was dripping more in Mrs. Stella's neck and she was groaning in fear. "PLEASE SPARE ME I PROMISE I'LL TREAT YOU GOOD." "Just now? You don't even have a chance to do it because this is the day where you say goodbye to your life."

Vivi then took out a gun to shoot Mrs. Stella but before she could shoot Mrs. Stella she could hear a police siren. She acted innocent as if she was the victim. Vivi played dead and untied Mrs. Stella off the chair. The cops finally arrived and broke down the door and said "PUT YOUR HANDS UP! YOUR UNDER ARREST FOR ASSAULTING SOMEONE!" The cops noticed that the subject teacher held a knife and Vivi was acting dead.

One of the cops went near Vivi and Vivi opened one of her eyes. "Please help me, she was the one doing it to me. Not me." Vivienne and Yua entered the room and Vivienne looked at Yua. "DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO CALL THE COPS?" "I'm sorry, I felt very scared, please don't get mad at me." "Don't be sorry, I don't even care. Mrs. Stella deserved it anyway." the cops took Vivi and Mrs. Stella outside the school gate and Mrs. Stella was screaming at Vivi.

"YOU WHORE!! YOU'RE SUCH A PSYCHO, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME??" Vivi didn't say a word but Mrs. Stella kept shouting at her as she was getting dragged to the police car. "YOU WONT BE GETTING AWAY FROM THIS YOU LITTLE MANIPULATIVE BITCH!!" Mrs. Stella finally then got arrested and Vivi smirked.

"I.. What happened Vivi, why would you do this to Mrs. Stella?" said Yua. "Because she punished me everytime i would do a mistake that wasn't my mistake. And she would physically abuse me when no ones around and she has a favoritism for Essa." "Ohh.. I see." said Yua. "Guys, we should probably get going now, It's 5:12 PM." they both agreed and went to get their bags.

As they all brought their bags with them, it started raining and they all went home.



stay tuned though lmao

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