JC! 4|Isha's Attitude (💥)

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(Last Chapter I'll prob make in this weekend is probs this so stay tuned next weekend)

After the incident yesterday. Vivi was afraid to come to school so she was absent today. She didn't wanna harm someone at all because of her attitude. She told the others she couldn't come because she was ashamed to come to school.

(In Recess [SCHOOL])

"Isn't it boring without Vision?" said Zyy. "Yeah it pretty sure is." said Valerie. Isha walked passed them holding a drink along with Jiu. Isha saw them both and Isha planned on spilling the drink on Zyy.

*She spilt the orange juice in Zyy's uniform* "Oops! How clumsy of me, that was just an accident Zyy." "ISHA!! HOW COULD YOU, YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE? DON'T ACT IT OUT." "Oh I'm sorry Zyy.. No need to be dramatic. Here have a water instead to make it WORSER!" Isha spilt the water in her uniform which irritated Zyy.

"ISHA STOP IT!" Said Valerie. "Oh I'm sorry Valerie.. For being too overprotective!!! HAHAHAAHAHA!" Isha threw the bottle at Valerie which made her mad too and left them both alone. "UGH THAT UGLY BITCH!" said Valerie. "Don't worry Val, don't take your anger on her. Its a waste, and you could even go to discipline or guidance office if you will take your anger on her."

"Come on Val, lets go to the bathroom and wipe this stain off me."

"Okay, I'll go get the wipes before we go there." (With Vivienne) Vivienne got a notification in her phone that came out with a loud buzz, and she picked her phone up in her pocket.

(In her Phone)


Hey Viv, can you come in my house after school? Also the others, cause we definitely need to spy on Italy and Yolanda.

Yeah sure, they kinda seem suspicious to me these days since like Italys personality is changing because of Yolanda. Anyway noted! I'll tell the others.

Thanks,I'll see you guys here in 4:00 PM!

After that, Vivienne told the others but she couldn't find them, so she tried asking the others. But after a few minutes she had to go to the restroom.

"Gosh i really need to go to the restroom." When she went inside, she saw Zyy and Valerie "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE??" "Oh, Zyy's uniform got stained and she's pretty mad." "Oh gosh, and anyway.. We have to go to Vision's house after school because its something weird and unusual." "Oh? I see. I'll tell Yema too." "You guys are such dumb bitches I'm inside the bathroom stall. And yeah, fine I'll come."

"Great! Lets meet up in her house in 4:00PM!" Vivienne finally went inside the bathroom stall and saw writings in the stall saying "I hate Isha she's so annoying. Like why does she call Derek as Dolly." and other stuffs that were inappropriate. Well as expected, Vivienne took a screenshot of it and of course sent it to Vivi.

(Library Period)

When Zyy was walking with Valerie, she saw Isha and Jiu walking with eachother, holding hands."Gosh, Italy has like millions of ex's. We're literally so young and she's already dating." "Oick me alert, but Vision was the one who went too far too, because she almost killed Mrs. Stella.

"Stop looking at us you Hoes, you guys are just jealous that we're together, right love?" "Of course darling." Valerie put on a nasty face on them and left them alone.

Vivienne was just sitting alone sleeping as if she was in the living room. "Butterfly, why are you sleeping in the library?" Yua taps her gently. Vivienne yawned and told her that "Thats what I do daily, sleep all the time. Thats my hobbies." "Oh, you're just like Vision lmao but you sleep all the time more than her so you're definitely the sleepy head in the class."

"Dolly!! Come here!" Said Isha. "Ew, shes treating Derek like her personal Sex toy or some Vodoo doll or something." said Yua. "You got a point lol." "Shes acting as if she doesn't know that Vision likes Dildo.." Yua said it accidentally while Vivienne says "Wait what.. VISION LIKES DILDO?" Yua got snapped on what she said and she wasn't supposed to say that.

"You just broke Visions secret huh? I guess I know her crush now!!" She laughs it all out. "SHH.. We're literally in the library, don't laugh too loud." Everyone stared at Vivienne as if she was a creep or something and she got embarassed. "Anyway, aren't you supposed to be with Essa?" "Yeah I am but she's on a pretty bad mood so I can't be with her right now."

"I see, she's on a bad mood huh.. Not interesting because I definitely know why shes on a bad mood." said Vivienne.

"Why is that so then?" "Because her favorite is in Jail obviously. It's obvious why she's on a bad mood." "Ohh.. Not surprising actually, she's always like that."

"Anyway Butterfly, I got some gossip about Italy and Yolanda, wanna know?"

"Why wouldn't I wanna know?"

"Anyway, I just found out that they're gonna do their next 'MAKE OUT session' again after class." "What.. Ew, shes disgusting. Wouldn't she be pregnant at this point?? I mean she already lost her butthole ahh virginity on that stupid bitch." "Oh yeah good point Butterfly, she might be but her belly isn't growing, how would you know?" "Yema, silly you.. After making out, our belly doesn't grow that fast."

"Oh yeah.. I didn't think about that lol." said Yua.

-Library Period ends and they all went back to the classroom to rest.-

Vivienne felt bored without Vivi so she texted her.


Hey you there girl?

Yeah I am

What do you need? Do you need answers or something today?

Nahh.. I just wanted to gossip with you about something so hey, Whats up?

The sky obviously, why wouldn't the sky be above me?

No you dumbass I'm greeting you not asking you what is above you.

Oh nvm, class is starting cya! Lets talk later at 4:00 PM.

Aight bye, I'll go too.

"Uhmm.. Vivienne why were you laughing a minute ago?" Derek asked Vivienne. "Nothing, someone sent me a funny text saying the sky is above me."

(Time skip to 4:00 PM)

"Alright class, its dismissal now. Goodbye." "Finally!! We can finally go to Visions house." said Yua joyfully.

"Whoa, whoa no need to be excited Yema, who knows what will happen.." said Vivienne.

"Oh yeah you're right.."

Vivienne, Zyy, Valerie, and Yua went together to Vivi's house while talking but before they could go to Vivis's house they bought something for Vivi and for themselves. "Do you think Vision would like this??" Said Vivienne. "Yeah she would, she likes those things." Yua replied to Vivienne.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived in Vivi's doorstep. "So who's knocking?" Zyy asked. Valerie then volunteered to knock at her door and knocked at it.

The door opened slowly and they saw Vivi in front of their eyes.

"Oh Hello guys you finally arrived!"


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