You Have To Live Without Me

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Forget me,
It's my final goodbye to you.
You have to live without me.
This is your journey, this is your path.
You've to live without me.
May all the fame be yours,
this is my prayer..
May all the grace be upon you,
this is my prayer.
You're your own shore,
you're your own support..
you're the song of tomorrow.
believe in yourself,
become your own God.

I'm an evening of autumn.
You're a new morning.
You've to live without me.

Where all the springs blossom,
you'll find me there.
where our love resides,
you'll find me there.
I'll meet in such a way, this is my promise.
I'll be with you always, this is my promise.
You've to live without me.

I gave up.
You have to fight.
You have to prove that it'd possible to win.
I lost to the darkness
You have to become your own light.
Create your own destiny and shine.
You have to live without me.

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