Good Enough

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There are times when I do feel good about myself. But they never last long.
All it takes is a picture, a mirror, or another girl to show me that I'm the most horrible person alive.
A compliment, a praise, acknowledgment can give a person the most confidence.
But the confidence shown on the outside can be the worst insecurities on the inside.
Has it ever occurred to you that the girl who stands outside the room. The one who always is tired. The one who never believes anything good about herself may be the most insecure person?
The one who always is known as the most meanest person and the one who fights all the time over petty issues may be so lonely and all he/she craves for is a little bit of appreciation.
The guy who may laugh the most and is so carefree may actually be doubting his every breath.
The girl who acts all confident and stands for her word may be cutting and thinking she is a failure.
But why do they think this?
Because no one told them their worth and importance. All you had to was tell the anorexic when she first asked "Am I fat? " was NO! All you had to do was tell the gorgeous girl she is beautiful.
But no! Ego, pride, hatred and status got in the way of that.
Your one compliment or acknowledgment can give a person so much worth.

There people out there who loath themselves. That hate every single atom in their body. Hate their soul. I know I do. I hate myself! They are people who just needed that one person to tell them their worth. Who knows? You could be that 'one person' never shy, back away from telling someone their importance. You could save them.
Insecurity destroys you. Don't let them get the better of you. Everyone is beautiful! Everyone has something good about them. Just answer them when ask you. And also answer them if they don't.
Because you never know who is questioning themselves "Am I good enough?"

(LOL, me talking about insecurities and stating that everyone is beautiful when I hate myself. Gosh! I hope no one hates anyone as much as I hate me)

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