Stolen Heart

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I have lost myself in this world of judgemental hypocrites. I have gotten so used to doing everything according to everyone's expectations that I forgot to look back at myself and do what makes me happy.

But the problem lies in me. I can't please everyone. I can't live up to their expectations. Cause I know I'm not capable to do such.

A lot of people had entered and exited my life this year. But worst and best is him...

I don't even want to imagine the situation I would be in if it wasn't for him. He taught me to be myself. The taught me to live according to my own emotions and conditions. He accepted me with my millions of flaws and imperfections. And I can't thank him enough for that.

The amount of love I feel for him is overwhelming. I can't express how much it means to me when he hold my hand or hugs me. How much it means when he smiles genuinely. I can't express how much I love him.

Every one says that when you meet the one you love, your heart beats fast and you feel excited and nervous. But with him it's different. When I am with him I feel at ease. I feel no restrictions. I feel compete and happy. I feel as if I'm the most luckiest person on earth. He saved me. He taught me to live myself and embrace my quirks. He showed me the door to happiness. He is my happiness.

But a part of me is mad at him. I'm mad at him for taking up my every single thought. For giving blood rushes in my cheeks. For making me relate everything to him and for always being on my mind. And for being my biggest strength and my weakness. For stealing my heart.

I am so glad I found him, even though late. But it's better than anything else. Life will go on. It waits for no one. So I want cherish every single moment I have with him. I want to cherish every second I spend thinking of him. But above all, I want to tell him how thankful I am, I want to tell him how much I love him.

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