The Three L's

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because without it you can't complete anything. Life would be a mistake. This doesn't necessarily mean loving a boy or girl. It can mean loving family, friends. And most importantly yourself. Please.... Try to love yourself because at some point in your life you will have to do something alone. And if you don't love yourself and trust yourself.... Well, it will be a disastrous disaster. Love beyond words. Fall in love or out of love. Just make sure that love is present.

Try to find happiness in everything. Be it small as a pencil or your dog. Just try to make sure it makes you happy. Be positive and confident about what you feel. Try to look on the bright side of things. Yes, there are situations when you seem completely shattered and there is no space left for even a smile. That's when you laugh, smile, show off your pearly whites(even if they are black). Showing a glimpse of happiness in the darkness moments can change the darkness to colourful rainbows.
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times; if one only remembers to turn on the light - Albus Dumbledore.

This doesn't mean keeping your heart beating and your respiratory system intact. It means actually feeling alive. Feeling worthy. Feeling grateful. Try to be positive and optimistic. Hope. I like the 'hope'. If gives a glimse of inspiration to me. It seem like it's screaming yet whispering in a gentle wind that Hold On Pain Ends. Just simply find love and laugh and you shall live.

You can't laugh if you don't love. Because you laugh with the people who love. You can't live if you don't laugh and love....

This Disease Called Depression...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora