✨20.Highest bidder✨

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The blue diamond necklace of Rani Padma which Arohi wore around her neck had got its highest bid -60 lakh rupees. Everyone present in the hall looks shocked at the highest bidder.The bidder puts on his goggles and runs his fingers along his hair while walking towards the dias,"I bid 60 lakhs for once.. For twice.. And for thrice."

Arohi was curious to know who is this bidder whom has raised the highest bid.She was shocked to see the face of the bidder, "Kabir??"
Harinder continues, "Well, no one raised any objections. So the necklace is sold for 60 lakhs to Mr. Kabir Chauhan. I request Mr. Chauhan to come forward."

Everyone clapped their hands. Kabir walks towards the stage. Arohi couldn't move her feet or even blink her eyes seeing Kabir there. He was the last person she had expected to see in this auction. Everyone present in the hall was curious to know why did Mr. Chauhan bought this antique jewellery, that too for 60 lakhs.  Harinder asked him,"So Mr. Chauhan, we're curious to know why did you buy this necklace with the highest bid? "
Harinder gives the mic to Kabir. Kabir looks at Arohi, "How can't I buy this? You have a beautiful model who had worn this masterpiece brilliantly than the Queen Padma herself. When my eyes laid on you, I was determined to buy you "
Arohi glares at him, "WHATT?"

Kabir looks at Harinder, "Mr.Harinder, didn't you tell your model that she has no say in this bidding? "
Kabir looks at Arohi, "I didn't talk about you. I am talking about her."
Kabir points towards her neck, "When my eyes laid on her, I was damn sure that she is mine."
Harinder smiles, "Wow, Mr. Kabir Chauhan!!Your obsession is just like the king who had gifted this necklace to Rani Padma."
Kabir asked Harinder, "Didn't you know the king's name?"
Harinder smiles lightly,"No!!His last name was some sort of Chakravedi. "
Kabir turns to the audience,"Well, let's raise to Chakravedi's obsession for Rani Padma. We had heard about Rani Padma's side of story. We are unaware of Chakravedi's story. His truth is hidden just like his name. "

Kabir looks at Arohi, "He was obsessed with Rani Padma. He did everything to get her even though she was his enemy. He forgot his enmity and bowed his head before his Queen. His love for her was obsession for us. But for him, it is true love. Love which sacrifices everything... Love which destroys everything... Love which rebuilds everything..."
Harinder looks at Kabir,"Well, you're true. His side of story is unknown to us. Thank you, Mr. Chauhan for contributing your time and money for helping differently abled children to build their dreams. Thank you Everyone!!There will be dance and music to enjoy and dinner will also be served for everyone. "
Everyone leaves from the hall.

Harinder turns to Arohi, "Arohi, I'll be right back from the dressing room after taking the necklace box. By then, you take off the necklace."
Arohi nods and Harinder walks towards the dressing room.She tries to take off the necklace but she was getting trouble taking it off. Kabir walks to stand behind her and helps her to remove the necklace. His cold hands touched her bare back. It sends shivers along her spine. Arohi tries to move away from him but he holds her close to him. He removes the necklace from her neck and stares at her eyes, "This is King Chakarvedi's obsession for his Rani Padma. What do you think? Why would I have bought this necklace for 60 lakhs?"

Arohi scoffs and glares at him angrily, "Obviously, just like King Chakarvedi, you are also obsessed. The difference between him and you is he was obsessed about his love for Rani Padma and you are obsessed for your love for money."

Kabir shows the necklace in his hands,"Everything can be bought with Money. There is nothing in this world that I can't buy with money. Money is power, baby."

Arohi stumbles at his words,"Then, what about love?"

Kabir snaps his fingers at her,"Just snap out of your fictional world. Love, Prince Charming... They are only in your books not in Real life."

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