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I'm so proud of you Skyla. You're doing amazing with everything that comes your way. I know you'll keep it up, you're the smartest person I know. I love you so much, goodnight sweetie" she says softly before placing her lips against my forehead gently.

I smile up at her as she pulls away "Goodnight mom. I love you too".

After walking to the door and taking one last look at me, she smiles and flicks off the lights. Once the door is closed entirely, I let out a small sigh to prepare for the darkness that will soon engulf me.

My incoming slumber comes to a screeching halt as I hear the loud screams of a women, my mother. I rush to her room just in time to witness a horrifying scene. Though the room is pitch black and I can't see many details, I see the outline of a man holding my mother's lifeless body in his arms. His face remains buried against her neck before he pulls away to look back at me. The only detail I notice via a single ray of light from outside, his ashy blonde hair and bright red eyes. 

My eyes quickly jolt open as I look around myself. Fuck, another nightmare? No matter how much I try to avoid them, they always return. The visions come no matter if I'm awake or asleep. I can't escape them, no matter how hard I try. It's rare to get a day off from them.

Desperate isn't necessarily a word anyone likes using to describe themselves. Although I'm willing to admit it, I'm beginning to get a bit desperate to end these nightmares. I've tried nearly everything, even tacky shit like dreamcatchers. Hell, I've even looked into psychics and palm readers, but we all know those are a load of bullshit. Nothing works. Even when I stay up for as long as I can, I still pass out eventually and the nightmares come.

Well, no more time to waste I guess. I turn the keys and listen to the engine purr, nothing like the smell of gasoline in the morning. I'm surprised the old Impala is still kicking after all these years, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My great-grandfather John passed it on throughout the generations and now, she's mine. Baby's been with me ever since I turned sixteen, she takes me on my hunts and I keep her fixed up in return. My trusty sidekick, my partner in crime. I don't need anyone else by my side.

I know this may be my last hunt but, I wouldn't have it any other way. I've never hunted something so powerful, and I just hope I'm actually ready for this. I have to do this. I must get revenge for my mother's death, even if it kills me. I've got nothing to lose, no will to live. You could say it runs in the family I suppose. 

My dad taught me all about hunting, told me what's out there. He learned from his dad, Sam, and so on. Hunting was kind of a family business for the Winchesters. My grandfather Sam made sure to tell my dad and I not to follow in his footsteps, not to hunt. My dad followed those orders like a leashed puppy. I never wanted to follow those orders. I wanted to be my own person, make my own choices. Though as a kid, you're not allowed to make your own decisions. Which is why as soon as I turned eighteen, I left. 

It's not like I left much behind. After my mom's death when I was seventeen, dad wasn't around much. I never knew where he went. I figured he just didn't want to be home, around the memories he created with her, around the person he created with her. I don't blame him and quite frankly, I'm glad he wasn't around. His absence gave me the time to learn more about hunting, about the family business. We got in a bit of a fight the day I left, and I never looked back. I received a call not long after, saying that he's missing, and no one has seen him since I left.

I got the anti-possession tattoo the day I turned eighteen so I could have some protection at least. Ever since that day, I've been hunting for my mother's killer. I've killed hundreds of vampires in the past year. State by state, city by city, case by case. Every time there's even a sign of a vampire coven, I'm there to wipe them out. Unfortunately, a lot of them have been dead ends.

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