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Okay, so maybe Jane isn't as nice as I thought she was. I suppose I was kind of pushing it for someone who has technically been kidnapped though. Will I ever be able to leave here? If they're these big and bad kings that think they own me, why would they ever let me go?

Well, there's no point in moping around when I'm clearly stuck here anyways. Upon searching around the room, I notice two other doors. Time to kick start that adventurer part of me and find out what these people leave for their prisoners!

I walk up to the closest door and open it carefully. As it opens, I flatten my back against the wall next to it. Once fully open, I slowly peak into the room to see a huge bathroom. I'm talking a standing shower that's big enough for a whole family, a massive jacuzzi tub, and enough cabinets to fit every makeup product in the world. What the hell? This is a bathroom fit for a queen, not a prisoner. Makes me wonder what could be in the other room.

I somewhat sprint to the other door and open it slowly (but not as carefully as the other). Interestingly, every room is equally magnificent. Inside the room is rack after rack of vintage, medieval looking clothes. These are actually pretty damn cool, and I'd totally wear them. I wonder who they belong to or did at least, considering this seems to be my prison for the time being.

The boots sitting under the hanging clothes are just as elegant and vintage looking. My all-time favorite is a pair of black, high-heeled boots with buckles up the front and lace up sides. Under the lace is a black and red floral pattern. They look like they'd go right up to the knee, the same height as my normal boots. I pick up one of them and flip it around in my hands, looking for the size. To my surprise, they're my size. That's astonishing considering the difficult time I endure when finding shoes that are my size, big feet problems I guess. I shrug it off and put them back before continuing my rummaging.

My nosey actions are interrupted as I hear footsteps coming to the bedroom door. I tiptoe back to the closet entrance and just barely peak around to watch the door. It opens slowly and in walks one of the kings, Marcus Volturi. His long yet confident strides radiate just how much power he truly has.

I anxiously walk out of the closet and meet him halfway to the door. I look up to meet his bright red eyes just as the guilt floods my body once more. If I'm truly his mate, I'm a pretty shitty one. Especially given the fact that I stabbed him and all. I find myself breaking eye contact and staring down at my fingers like they're the most interesting thing in the world.

"Tesoro, are you doing okay?" he asks with a worried tone.

I look up at him like he's crazy because well, maybe he is. I don't think anyone in my situation would be stable let alone "okay".

"Honestly, I don't know. I come here to kill everyone out of revenge and firstly, can't even finish the job. This is the first time I've ever failed, and it may have been the most important. Secondly, I'm being told I'm mated to the three kings of the vampire world, when I didn't even believe in mates to begin with. And lastly, I'm being treated kindly and given a massive room with anything I could ever need. I mean, I tried to kill you Marcus... why are you still being nice to me?" I ask him honestly as my heart physically aches at the thoughts.

Before I can even see him react, his arms are around my shoulders tightly. I turn my head to the side and rest it on his cold chest as he relaxes against me. He strokes my hair gently and kisses the top of my head. I inhale his delicious scent, the smell of old books and fresh rain. I've always loved the smell of rain, so I guess It's kind of perfect that he smells this way. This is a new feeling for me, being comforted isn't really a privilege I've ever received. If we're being fully honest here, I may break down if this goes on for too long.

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