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I push the door open slowly and slip in. Holy fuck, this hallway is massive. I knew the Volturi were rich but damn, this is a bit much. I tip-toe, ensuring to stay light on my feet while sticking to the shadows like I always do. Making it to the end of the hall, I am unfortunately left with options. Either elevator or more hallway to the right that could lead anywhere.

As if I'd be like every basic white bitch and go down the elevator, come on now. I need to find another way. Hopefully there'll be a staircase up ahead or something. It doesn't seem like the main room will be on this floor and I've done my research. They say the throne room resides in the basement and I'm assuming so does every other important room.

After a few minutes of walking down the hall, I notice the top of a spiral staircase to the right. To my dismay, as I'm walking closer, I hear two voices come from that direction. I quickly flatten my back against the stone pillar, facing away from the staircase. After their footsteps get closer, I bravely decide to peak around the pillar and get a quick glance at them. A tall man with messy blonde hair and an even taller, extremely burly, brown-haired man step away from the staircase. Their bright red eyes look into each other's with amusement, only for it to halt in seconds.

"Wait, I smell a human" the shorter one says as he sniffs the air.

Fuck, I guess it begins here. Stepping away from my hiding spot, I pull back my bow and aim at the shorter one before releasing it. The arrow releases with a twang before shooting into the man, staying stuck through his body.

"What the f- ", he gets cut off as he falls to the ground.

The big guy looks over at me with a low growl as he starts walking my way at human speed. The smug look on his face confirming that he underestimates me. I smirk and quickly load my bow with another arrow before pulling it back and releasing it.

It sticks right in his chest as he stops and clutches the arrow with a wince of pain. He stumbles a little but keeps walking towards me. What the fuck? I've never once had a vamp take an arrow with dead man's blood and keep walking. I start backing up slowly while taking out another arrow and pulling it back. His smile falters as he looks down the tip of my arrow, into my eyes. I give him a small wink before releasing it, hitting right next to the other one. He growls softly as he clutches his chest and falls to the ground with a thud. Bullseye!

I hastily step over their bodies and walk down the stairs. Once at the end of the staircase, I crouch and turn around the corner. Another long hallway, how intriguing. I start walking down the hall but ensure to stick to the shadows, even though I'm certain they could still smell me here.

I make it pretty far before noticing a set of large doors at the end. Suddenly, I hear a woman mumbling something in Italian. I peak around the corner and see her sitting at a desk but something's wrong, her eyes are brown. She isn't one of them but how could she not know what they are? I don't have time to take chances here. I notice she's buried in her paperwork, so I crouch up to her desk before moving around the corner swiftly. I stand up behind her and wrap my arms around her neck tightly. She struggles and grabs at my arms with a gasp. After a few seconds, her body goes limp in my arms with one last breath. She'll wake up later, it's no problem.

Next, I walk up to the door and stop in my tracks. The pull at my heart is stronger than ever before, why is this happening? It must mean its time, time to end what they started three years ago.

"Come to us cara mia, it's time" I hear a man say softly.

Looking up, I notice three black figures ahead. I tilt my head, trying to make any details out but to no avail.

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