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I gasp and jump back a little as I scan his facial features carefully. Fuck, why do they all have to be so drop-dead gorgeous. I smile at the thought since they are dead after all.

"Human" he mutters softly while looking at me with the same scowl that seems etched onto his marble-like face.

"Vampire" I greet as I turn back to the others.

They both smirk while looking at Caius, who's probably having a silent temper tantrum right now. Aro suddenly appears in front of me while taking my hands into his gloved ones.

"Shall we sit down bellissima? We have a lot to discuss" he speaks softly as I hold my breath to try evening my heartbeat.

I nod as he pulls me to the couch in the corner of the room. I look around and notice the room seems to be some sort of office/living room. In the corner are two couches that are facing each other with a coffee table in the middle. In the center of the room, there is a large desk with three chairs behind it. Papers litter across the desk but somehow remain neat and tidy. I notice the number of shelves and filing cabinets here, probably where all the paperwork is usually stored.

Aro sits on my right, Marcus on my left, and Caius plops down on the couch in front of us with a huff of frustration. I feel a gloved hand rest on my cheek, urging me to look at the person. Upon my eyes connecting with his once more, he smiles fondly.

"Why don't we start by introducing ourselves? I'll begin! My name is Aro Volturi, I am the leader of the Volturi kings, I have the ability to view individual's thoughts as well as anything they've seen with just one touch, I also love reading and listening to classical music!" Aro happily introduces himself.

Upon hearing that he can see what I've seen if he simply touches me, I instinctively back up a little. Marcus grabs my hips and holds me in place when he notices me skootching back towards him. I see Caius stiffen across from us while he growls lowly. I frown and Aro looks down at Marcus' hands, noticing the situation.

"Mia cara, you need not worry about me invading your privacy. I will wear hand coverings with you until you are ready to let me view that information, I promise" he says with a comforting smile.

I nod but stay in place before Marcus turns me back forward, instead of looking at Aro. I let him move me as I gaze forward at Caius' ferocious beauty. His eyes soften as he takes in all my features before seeming to snap back into reality and return to his inevitable scowl.

"My name is Marcus Volturi, I'm one of the Volturi kings, I have the ability to see the bonds between individuals, I too love reading as well as playing the piano" he says softly while resting his hand on my thigh gently.

I bite my lip roughly to prevent from having any mixed emotions. This is strictly business; I can do this. I will not let the mate bond hold me in a vise grip.

"What about grumpy the Smurf over there?" I ask with a slight smirk, knowing how much I'm getting under his skin.

"Watch your tongue umano (human), that's no way to talk to your king" he spats out.

I decide to shock them all by responding in Italian "Oh, mi scusi. Che ne dici di andare a farti fottere, padrone? (Oh, do excuse me. How about, go fuck yourself, master?)".

I smirk menacingly as his jaw drops, though I'm sure the others have as well.

"Perché tu piccolo putt- (Why you little bit-)" he begins to speak before getting cut off by Aro.

"Cara, where did you learn Italian?" Aro asks with a look of admiration directed towards me.

"You learn a few things when you're on your own for a couple years" I say as I shrug.

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