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I look up as I notice someone familiar. Dean and Sam swiftly fight off vampire after vampire. Fuck, not this vision again. I watch it all unfold for the hundredth time. Dean gets charged by the final vampire and lands with a piece of rebar through his back. He tries to push off the vamp until Sam comes up from behind and slices its head off. Good shit grandpa, you'll always be a badass in my book.

They look around the scene one last time before Sam slips his machete back into his pocket.

"Alright. Let's go find those kids, get them out of here" Sam says softly while catching his breath.

"Sam. Man I-, I don't think I'm going anywhere" Dean states while holding his chest.

"What? What are you talking about?" Sam asks through his confusion.

"There's something in my-, something in my back. Uh it feels like it's right through me" he coughs out lightly.

Sam walks up to him before reaching around to feel his wound, his hand getting covered in blood. Dean winces in pain as Sam looks down at his hand. Dean angrily yells while shaking his head to the side slightly.

"Alright um, hold on, kay I got you" Sam says nervously while going to wrap his arms around him.

I walk closer to them and shake my head as my eyes fill with tears. Why me? Why must I have to witness this and why repeatedly? One time was more than enough for me.

"No, no, no, no, no, don't, don't. Don't move me, don't move me. It feels like this thing's holding me together right now" he states with a pained cough.

"Just give me, just give me a minute" he says softly while looking around.

That's Dean for you, trying to stay strong even when faced with death.

"Um, alright I'll call for help. I'll get the first aid kit" Sam says before beginning to walk away.

"Sam, Sam, Sam" Dean pleads as Sam turns back around to him.

"Stay, stay with me. Stay with me please" he begs quietly.

"Okay, yeah" Sam agrees and steps closer.

"Okay. Okay, uh, right. Alright listen to me, you get those boys, and you get them some place safe. Alright?" he asks sounding more like an order than a question.

Sam swallows hard while walking up to him "Dean, we are going to get them someplace safe".

"No. You knew it was always going to end like this for me. It was supposed to end like this, right? I mean look at us. Saving people, hunting things, it's what we do-" Dean tries to reason but Sam cuts him off.

"No, no, stop. Okay? Just stop" Sam says impatiently.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's good. It's good. We had one hell of a ride man" Dean says with a smile.

"I will find a way, okay? I will find another way-" Dean cuts him off this time.

"No man, no. No, no, no, no. No bringing me back, okay? You know, you know that always ends bad" he says while shaking his head softly.

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