The Drama with Alex Kister. A/n

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So. I heard that there are allegations of Alex Kister being a peice of sh!t. Althought I can't tell if it is true or not. I will be closing this book for once and for all.

Appearantly. Alex is a p*rn addict and an abuser. The actors in Mandela Catalouge said their own sides and if this is true I am trully sorry for everyone affected.

Althought Mandela Catalouge was so fun to write and watch, because of the drama I will be closing this book, even if the rumors are true or not. Seems like everyone is slowly becoming a peice of sh!t. And to all of the victims who may be affected by this. Please take my earnest apologizes.

It was fune while it lasted. But I will try to write some books for other fandoms I am interested in.

Lastly. I want to thank you all who read this book. Despite me having so many skill issues with writting, you enjoyed it, commented, voted on it. And I want to thank you all for it.

Stay strong. Times are bad, but there is always a light at the end of a tunnle.

Yours trully.

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