Chapter one

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I hated school. I hated every aspect of walking into a building that is supposed to be a safe space for kids like me but isn't. I could never enjoy school. Did I enjoy knowledge? Yes. But not learning it with kids who don't understand a simple math problem.

"What's 11x11?" I would raise my hand, prepared to give the correct answer as the teacher chooses a kid that wears football jerseys on Wednesday's and Fridays and he gives a dumb answer either related to the number "22" or 111"

Maybe the new school would be somewhat different. I heard uniform schools have more intelligent kids, but that's most likely not true, considering no child is interested in growing their intelligence and all they wanted was to play dumb games on their smart devices. Smart devices? What's that? I don't have a phone. We don't have a tv. We can afford it, but no one cares about the internet in my home.

My mother said that if I wanted a phone, I could buy it myself, because neither of us would get any convenience from purchasing such items. My father was a lawyer. Mother was a doctor. I came into the world being introduced into a privileged family because of my mother and fathers job. And my grandmother, she was the governor of our old home in California.

We made the move from California to jersey mostly because they found a gorgeous 5 story house they wanted. With a pool. Our old house didn't have a pool. But this house came with TVs. None on the interior. All on the patio by the pool that was underground. Large pool. Very neat looking.

The entire house radiated light which made moving in easier, because the house seemed breathable, and we didn't have to stress about anything because such stressors didn't exist.

I had gotten dressed for school, uniform was basic but I kind of liked it. I had requested to the school board for a females uniform because that was the way I enjoyed dressing. It was a dark navy blue skirt with a white button up shirt tucked in. Navy blue and gray tie and a navy blue blazer with my new private schools logo on the pocket. I had modified the skirt to make it my desirable length, folding it up a few times to make it shorter.

I had never enjoyed wearing boys clothes. My parents had experimented with how I wanted to dress at a young age. They ran a test to see what would happen. They examined my actions from wearing more feminine clothing and they did the same for me wearing clothes meant for my assigned gender. And, they were exited to find that I liked the female clothing more.

They had accepted the way I enjoyed dressing and they were happy i dressed the way I had liked.

I brushed my hair. It was white. Very very short. I had a feminine face. My nose, my eyes, most of my features. Accept for my eyebrows. My eyebrows look like bushes.

I put on white socks and white converse. Not the shoes directly spoken to be worn in the dress code, but what are they going to do? Make me change my shoes in the middle of a school day?

I had a feminine body as well. Somewhat curvy. My butt was big. That's all that mattered.

I looked at my appearance in the full length mirror and raised one eyebrow. There was something off with the way I looked but I didn't know what it was. Nor did I care to know what it was. I walked down the stairs. My mom looked at my outfit. "Good morning, Gerard." She said to me quietly. "Good morning, mother. Where's Mikey?" I asked her back at the same volume she had spoke to me.

You see, Mikey had it a lot easier than I did. He wasn't made fun of at every school he went to. He went to public school while I was forced into private school because the kids would be less "horny" though that's absolute bullshit because where you find a teenage male, you fine a testosterone relied male who tries to get into every girls pants. My mom thought that would help me with not being made fun of.

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