Chapter two

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Trigger warnings throughout the story: sexual assault, substance use, addiction, some explicit scenes that will not arrive in a while, a lot more cussing, use of the f slur (a word I try not to put in my writing but with the meaning of the story, I needed to use it,) and a few other things I will put before that chapter starts

Thank you



When this person had walked into the room, I tilted my head to the side. He looked strange. He wore a tight black button up jacket and long cargo shorts. He looked interesting. He also smelled very interesting. Like alcohol that was drenched in cologne to cover the stench. He sat multiple seats away from me, he hadn't acknowledged I was there. I didn't care though.

I had focused on my drawing, not the lesson, not anyone who was talking, just the thing I was drawing in my sketchbook. It was a drawing of a man. I didn't know this man. He was wearing a white button up shirt with a navy sweater vest over it and a black tie.I had drawn him with the sleeves rolled up, he had several tattoos on his arms and I imagined tattoos all over his body. Though I had not drawn them, I imagined he was covered in tattoos.

I drew one on his neck. I had two creatures on my mind for the drawing. A Scorpion and a tarantula. I chose the spider and drew it hight up on his neck. He had very dark hair. Brown? Dark brown? Dark brown nearly jet black. He had a very goofy smile on his face. My drawing had made me smile because I liked the image I had drawn. I drew the lower half of the figure, black and gray jeans, shiny black dress shoes, and a chain attached to the jeans.

I was happy with the drawing mostly. I thought it ended up well and where I started with it ended up taking me where I didn't think it would.

The next several hours passed quickly.

I walked out of my fifth hour class and headed to the courtyard for lunch and I heard someone whisper something about me. "Someday, Gerard will end up being a stripper. He'll never get far." They said quietly to each other. I looked at the two of them back and forth. Huh. "One day, you'll go very far. And I hope you stay there." I had a sarcastic smile.

one of them glared and said, "shut up!" And as I walked away I said, "I'll take that as a compliment. My words meant enough for you to continue the conversation." I shrugged and walked away to the courtyard. I snickered. I was carrying a sketchbook and some colored pencils to draw with since I wasn't eating any food. I sat against a wall behind a bush. It was quiet in the courtyard. No one was out there.

I continued my drawing I had started in art class and added more detail to it. Someone had approached me then, a taller person. Very tall actually (frank is taller in this I'm sorry 😭) I looked up. His hair had drawn my interest. It was very very short. Short black hair. Well, dark brown. Nearly jet black. Really short and jelled down to touch his forehead. He had a lip ring. I thought it was very interesting.

"Good afternoon. I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?" He asked me. I stared at him for a few seconds, comprehending his question. He looked at me, patiently waiting for my response. "I-I, U-h-mmm.... Yeah!! I'm new. I can from California. Am I taking your space? I can move somewhere else if you need." I said quietly to him. I was looking down at my drawing. I looked back at him and he chuckled. "No no you don't need to move. I can sit with you if you'd like. I sit here every day and look at the sky and now I have someone I can potentially talk to." He smiled softly and looked at my drawing. He looked at his outfit for a second and shrugged.

With where I was sitting compared to him, I could see his neck. And that he had a scorpion tattoo. "Y-You have a scorpion tattoo on your neck. How did you get a job with that? I thought that was against dress code and protocol for teachers here?" I said quietly. "I got it when I was in a band. I didn't want a real job so I got the tattoo. Then; the band ended and this was my only option." The man had responded.

"What's your name?" He had asked me. "Well, Gerard way is my name, but most people at my old school and my family call me a shortened nickname "gee" I don't know where it originated from one day it just had arisen into my name." I said to him. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Well, my name is Frank, but I'm guessing you are a student so you are going to call me this interesting name called Mr. Iero." He said while smiling.

"I'll never understand surnames. How do they originate? Where did they come from? Who chose such silly names? Having s silly first name is different because we don't choose our surnames." I said, speaking about something I was genuinely curious and interested of. "Gerard, you seem to have a very wide-ranged vocabulary." The teacher has stated, looking at me. "I've always kind of been like that. Studied English books at a young age and I learned some things from it." I said back to him. "That's fascinating." He whispered.

"You drew me, Gerard." I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. "Incorrect." I said quietly. "Not incorrect. The probability of the outfit of your drawing and the outfit on me today being the exact same is a very low thing." He said to me. "I just thought of something to draw and I drew it. I guess I have a preference for the kind of people I like to draw." I said while studying hun a little bit.

"You even drew the tattoos." He whispered. I looked back to my drawing. "Huh. Looks like I did." I said while turning my head back to him. "I put a lot of time and effort into my drawings. Any new detail I find slightly interesting or possibly important to what I'm drawing, I add it. I thought of a man covered in tattoos from his neck down." I said quietly. "How do you know all of this Gerard? I'm covered in tattoos. My entire body." He said. "I'm not exactly sure. That makes me feel like a superhero. I could be the next Luke skywalker. It's like I have a superpower. But, that's truly fascinating, sir." Frank looked at me, his cheeks were slightly red from the last word I had said.

"Well, enjoy the rest of the day. I may speak to you later."


My stomach is growling 💀💀💀

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