Chapter three

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I had arrived home with a surprise waiting at the door. My ex boyfriend. He was barely my boyfriend. But his name was nick. I looked at him. "Why are you at my house at the moment?" I asked him. He just shrugged. "Wanted to get in touch with an old friend I guess." He said while shrugging another time.

"You look really good, Gerard." He said to while looking me up and down.

"Yup. It's called post breakup glow up. You clearly didn't have one." I looked at his greasy hair and grown out facial hair as I made my unnecessary remark.

He laughed. "Still mouthy just like while we were dating." He said while stepping towards me. I stepped away from him the same moment. "I'm not sure I want to talk to you at the moment, nick." I said to him, trying to make my way inside.

"That's not what you were calling me a few months ago, Angel." He said. I stopped walking,, my back facing him. "Don't call me that. We're not together anymore you can't call me that." I said, my voice more stern than it usually was.

"I can call you anything I want, baby gee." I cringed a little bit. "People don't call me gee often anymore. It's usually Gerard or "shit face" or "fuck wad" or "slut." I said to him. I wasn't lying. I did get called rude names quite often. Even by Mikey. The other day Mikey called me a whore. Mikey's like two years old he doesn't even know what that word means.

"That's a shame, Gerard. I would never call you any of those things. That uniform looks so damn good on you." He said as he put his hands on my waist. "It would look better on my floor." He whispered. I whimpered. "Think of something original next time, maybe I'll think about it." I said as I tried pushing his arms away. "I'm not giving you a chance to think about it, Gerard. It happens either way." He said.

"No. It doesn't. I'm standing my ground unlike last time. Fucking deal with it. I'm done with your bullshit. You were with me one night, we did what your planning at the moment, and the next night, you had a female in your bed doing the exact same thing. After telling me all you wanted was me and that you didn't like girls. It's crazy how quickly things change. quindi vattene a fanculo e vattene dalla proprietà della mia famiglia prima che chiami quei dannati poliziotti."

I started speaking in Italian because it used to be one of the only languages I would speak. My mom taught me as a baby so o spoke Italian more than English and I was fluent.

He ended up leaving, not before scoffing and saying things like, "I can't believe you" and then he got in his car and drove off. Something interesting about his and my relationship, he lied about his age. We were together in December of last year and he said that he was 17. I was 17 and I believed him. I still am 17. But one day I was researching and I found out after we broke up that he was 20. So certain things he had done to me were illigal.

That had really honestly scared me. Mostly because I didn't want to have anything like that on my record but I didn't want to be called a victim of sexual assault because that's not what I was nor anything I ever would be.

Once my parents had arrived home, I spent some time by myself. I planned some things for my birthday that was tomorrow. A few friends from my old school flew down here so I could celebrate my birthday with them. My mom paid for their flights.

They planned on going to a club. Apparently they had made us all fake ids so we could get in. They told my mom we were going to the theatre to watch a musical and that it was hours long so we would get home at 3 in the morning. Also lying saying it was three hours away. And they set everything up to where if my mom found out about it, I wouldn't get in trouble. They planned everything for my birthday.

My family and I agreed to celebrating my birthday today, so after dinner, I was called to the theater in the basement where all my gifts were so I could open them. My mom was smiling as I walked down the stairs to see 18 wrapped gifts for how old I was turning.

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