Outro ~ Fun Facts ~ Final Note

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I'm back to close off this story once and for all! Now, I've seen a few other authors do this and was inspired so why not make a section all about Withering World fun facts? Here goes nothing -

💙 Originally, this book was going to be called 'Wither Town'. The plot was gonna follow only Petra with the aftermath of Wither Sickness going haywire and killing almost everyone including Lukas and Jesse. She would embark on an adventure to survive and meet other immune people, starting up a civilization to protect the vulnerable from mobs and get the human population up again. I scrapped the plot, realizing it was gonna be too boring, and redid the whole thing.

💙 As you could tell by the last-minute epilogue, Lukas was meant to remain dead - but aren't ya glad it didn't end up that way? I was thinking about making a separate spinoff about his 'resurrection' but then changed my mind as I didn't think it was necessary. Why prolong something I could fit into one chapter?

💙 I did NOT intend to make Ivor as evil as he was in this story. My brain kinda just went 'let's have a side antagonist!' He still had the same motives to stop the sickness, but I guess he was also quite a pain to the protagonists throughout the book.

💙 Kent in chapter 39 was very unplanned. I decided first that I was gonna put an OC in but I wanted to refrain from adding them in as much as possible and keep it purely MCSM characters.

💙 I wanted to add a scene where Jesse and Petra publish Lukas's journal but I had to take it out after reviving him sadly :( Imagine having your private journal entries published for the world to see... yeah that's why it didn't make the cut.

💙 I also did NOT mean to show how much of a nerd I was in this book. I just wanted to develop a disease inspired by my favorite video game but on top of that, I ended up giving y'all lessons about electrical conductivity, magnetism, and constellations through Lukas 😭

💙 The two birthdays that are mentioned in this story (Jesse and Petra) stay true to their voice actors' birthdays. So yes, Petra's is August 9 and Jesse's is December 30.

💙 It's probably or probably not obvious, but the scene in chapter 36 where Petra gets pinned by Porkchop was inspired by the scene in The Hunger Games when Clove almost kills Katniss.

💙 Again in chapter 36, I added in the trait that Val and Soup use paralytic blow darts to paralyze the scavengers after watching the Kakamora scene in Moana lol. I feel like it suited their vibe more than using the conventional Minecraft weapons.

💙 I didn't realize how similar Petra's arc is to Ellie's from The Last of Us. No, I wasn't inspired by the game at all but the fact that they're both badass, immune to the dominant disease in their stories, and have the same voice actress is kinda cool! OH MY GOSH, and I also realized that the term 'QZ' is used as an abbreviation for Quarantine Zone in this game too. (Guys, it was a coincidence. I didn't copy, I swear! I thought I was original with QZ but apparently not.) I wanted to change it cause it was gonna be too similar but by the time I noticed, too many chapters with the reference were already published so I couldn't bother going back.

Alright. I think imma stop here. Sorry if these weren't really fun facts. I might as well replace the title with 'clearly-doesn't-know-what-she's-doing facts' because indeed it's my first time doing this and honestly... I have no idea what I'm doing hehe. At least this book ends on part 60 so I can now officially leave it in peace and not stay paranoid anymore.

Anyway, this ain't the last you'll hear from me! More stories are to come so I hope you're excited for those!

Again, thank you so much for reading this. It really means so much to me since I worked so hard to put my best out there for a first-time Wattpad fanfiction.

That wraps it up for Withering World!

Time to start a new tale...

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