March 18 - 24, 2024 (Week 12)

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New week, New Goals to achieve!

Are you excited for this brand new week because we are and pretty hyped up too 😄.

Now to get on to business, for this week we are challenging you to write a 500 or 1,000 word story with these set of prompts. They aren't anything too special, however, it can become a pathway to know you better as an author.

Here are the prompts for this week:

1. You enter a writing competition and win, tell us about your journey.

2. There's a vacation trip you've always planned, where is it and why did you choose there?

3. Only two chapters are left for your story to be completed but you don't how to complete it. Where will you find the inspiration to finish it?

4. The opportunity to meet your favorite without comes up right in your city. Narrate your experience and the thrilling feeling you get. What questions will you be asking them?

5. Going to a bookstore to find the next good book to binge on, however you find a mystery book that actually makes you live the words written in the book in real life while you read it.

We did say we are challenging you 😄

We'll see you next week folks 👋🏻

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