Chapter 4, Part 1 - Madison, June 10th, 2:45 pm

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Ugh, what a long ride, plus the car was boiling after Carter broke the AC last week.

I'd made sure to pack all of the summer camp essentials, plus a few extra things for fun. I called Kacey to see if she'd arrived yet but no answer. I have so many ideas on what we're gonna do at camp! She just so happened to miss last summer's camp because of an "unexpected opportunity", which she refuses to disclose to me.

"Here we are!" Carter shouted, even though we were all within a metre of each other.

"Yay! I can't wait." responded Paige, "Let's get our bags onto the bus and say hi to everyone!"

It seemed like most people were here already. A few had already gotten on the bus but the majority of people were enjoying their last moments outside before being stuck in a metal box with each other for 2 and a half hours. I stepped outside the car and slammed the door shut. I surveyed the crowd for Kacey but I couldn't spot her. She probably was running late.

I made my way to the trunk and got my stuff. I dragged the bags onto the ground, wondering why exactly I'd brought so much stuff. It was only two weeks! No, it was definitely all necessary I convinced myself. I lugged it all over the bus and a man in a green polo shirt helped me load it on. I figured he was probably one of the camp counsellors. I could barely make out a small emblem on his shirt. I strained my eyes and saw that it did in fact say 'Camp Freedom,' confirming my assumption.

I went to walk back towards Carter and Paige when I felt a poke on my back. I turned around swiftly only to see the one person I wanted to find

"Kacey!!" I exclaimed as I wrapped her in a huge hug. "Where have you been?!?"

"Hey, girl! So sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my-"

"Doesn't matter. You're here now." I interrupted her, barely managing to contain my excitement. I was going to spend 2 weeks straight with my best friends! "Let's go find Paige and Carter."

We ran in Paige's direction, Carter was probably with her. Turns out she was laughing and teasing Carter because he couldn't manage to get his bag loaded onto the bus. I've got to admit it was kinda funny. Carter had packed super light; a small suitcase and a backpack. I bet they were all filled to the brim with beanies.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed "You remember Kacey right, Paige? She's on the cheer team with me."

"Uh, yeah probably. I think we met a little while ago" She seemed distracted.

"Hey, Kacey" Carter interjected, having finally got his bag in the compartment, "How's Blake?"

Blake was Kacey's brother. He and Carter used to play on the football team before Carter had to quit. They used to be good friends but didn't see each other much anymore. I knew Carter was pretty upset about it.

"Uhh good, I guess" answered Kacey. "He twisted his ankle a couple of days ago so he can't come to camp. If he did come he would just have to sit around. He's bummed he's missing it, though."

"That sucks" A hint of annoyance came through as he said that. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who noticed though. Must be a twin thing or something.

Everyone started to head towards the bus. I ushered Paige, Kacey, and Carter that way too. I wanted to get seats before all the good ones were taken. It was one of the typical yellow buses. I had been hoping we'd get a nice coach this time but I guess not. Kacey and I ran to some seats at the back of the bus, where we always sat.

Paige looked at me and hesitated before sitting in the seat in front. Carter joined her. I said hi to a few people I recognised as they passed by. Let the summer begin!

Folded Thrown DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora