Chapter 5 - Madison, June 10th, 4:30 pm

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I was chatting with Kacey, fangirling over Josh Hutcherson, when I heard the bus putter. It came to a sudden halt, throwing me forward. I hit my head on the seat and let out a small ouch in pain.

"Woah, you good?" Kacey asked, sounding kind of panicked.

"Yeah, I'm fine", I responded "But why did the bus stop?"

"I dunno. Should we go check it out?" Kacey suggests

Before we could get up from our seats, a loud voice resonated through the bus. It was the counsellor from earlier. His voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Attention kiddos, the bus won't start, so if everyone can stay calm and in their seats please as we investigate. Someone will come to pick us up soon" He announces.

Shouts exploded throughout the bus.

"WHAT!!??" "Aw come on!" "But summer!"

We sat there for what seemed like hours and probably was. I felt myself starting to doze off, but the counsellor once again cleared his throat loudly.

"Ok everyone, I've got some news. The nearest tow truck is a few hours away. We'll be picked up in the morning, so everyone stay in your seats and umm sleep there." He declared.

A soft groan came from everywhere. Kacey rested her head against the seat in front of us in defeat. I patted her shoulder to comfort her. It would be a long night.

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