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Aisha has been admitted to the hospital for the last 24 hours and has not yet regained consciousness. The doctor has revealed that the condition is not too serious, but due to recent blood loss and poor eating habits, her body has become frail. This news has deeply troubled Abhimanyu, who wonders why Aisha isn't eating properly, especially after fulfilling her dream. Aisha's father, Mr. Rajput, is currently out of the country on business and has not yet visited the hospital. When Abhimanyu calls him, Mr. Rajput knows something is wrong, as Abhimanyu never calls unless it's urgent, Mr. Rajput senses the urgency in his voice. Abhimanyu informs Mr. Rajput about the rescue operation and Aisha's current state of health. Mr. Rajput is worried about his daughter but feels relieved when he learns that Abhimanyu is by her side. He is proud of his daughter's bravery and good deeds. Aisha has been shifted to a private hospital ward, and Abhimanyu is constantly by her side. She is still unconscious, and Abhimanyu holds her hand and whispers, "Please get well soon, Aisha. I have so much to tell you."

A few hours later Mr. Rajput reached the hospital huffing indicating how hurryingly he came for his daughter, his princess. He embraced Abhimanyu in a hug and when he composed himself he realized how Abhimanyu was the crowned king so he bowed in front of him, before Abhimanyu could interrupt, the doctor came running " Officer Aisha, has gained consciousness she is asking for her father ".

Abhimanyu said," Go uncle, your daughter needs you ".

Mr. Rajput replied, " You also come to Maharaj, you deserve it after all this time".

Abhimanyu took a deep breath controlling the turmoil of emotions in his heart and faintly smiling at the thought of seeing Aisha happy and healthy again. said" No uncle, she might feel scared, she needs you right now".

Reticulately Mr Rajput left to see Aisha.

As soon as I gained consciousness, I found myself in the hospital room, and the events from yesterday flashed in front of my eyes. I got tense about Papa because seeing me like this would have been devastating for him. Soon, the doctor noticed that I had gained consciousness. He asked me if I was feeling any pain, and I shook my head and said no. I requested him to call Papa. Soon, Papa came into the room and ran towards me. He embraced me in his arms and spoke in a hoarse voice, which indicated he was on the verge of breaking down. "Mera bache aapko aapna dhayan rakhna chahiye naah , aapko pata hai mai kitna dar gaya tha but gaarv hai mujhe aapni beti pe jisne kaayi bebaas maa-baap ki khoyi betiyon se unko phirse milwa diya "

("Mera bacha, you should have taken care of yourself. You know how worried I got, but I am proud of my daughter, who saved the daughters of many hopeless parents who almost lost their daughters.".)

As I sat by my father's side in the hospital room, I could see the worry lines etched on his forehead. His face reflected the concern he had for me, his beloved child who was lying on the hospital bed, recovering from the injuries she had sustained while serving her Kingdom. It was then that I decided to lighten up his mood and said, "Kyun pareshan hai aap papa ? Hum toh aapki sherni hai naah ".
("Why are you getting worried, papa? I am your strong lioness " )

His face broke into a smile as he chuckled at my words, and for a brief moment, the room was filled with positivity and laughter.

Just then, the doctor returned with the nurse, and they enquired about my condition. The doctor asked me if I was feeling any discomfort, and I shook my head no. He informed my father that I would be kept under observation for the next 3-4 days and then discharged, assuring him that I was responding well to the treatment.

As we talked, I began to feel drowsy, and soon I drifted off to sleep, tired from the physical and emotional strain of the past few days. In my dreamland, I felt strong and protective arms embrace me once again, offering me comfort and reassurance. I felt safe and secure, surrounded by a sense of belonging that I had never experienced before.

When I woke up a few hours later, I found the hospital room filled with bouquets, get-well-soon cards, and my favorite sweets. I was surprised and asked my father about it. He explained, "My child, you have brought happiness to many families, and this is their way of thanking you. The parents of those girls even asked me about your favorite sweet as they wanted to thank you with a loving gesture."

My heart swelled with pride and happiness as I realized how much my actions had impacted others. I felt blessed to have been able to help those girls and grateful for all the blessings that came my way. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the nurse entered with a smile. She informed me that some parents were waiting outside and wanted to meet me.

I was astonished at their kind gesture, and soon a few middle-aged couples entered the room, their eyes teary with emotion. They blessed me and prayed for my speedy recovery, thanking me for all that I had done. Their words and blessings reminded me once again that I was lucky enough to be able to serve my Kingdom rightfully.


Why didn't Abhimanyu meet Isha? Is Isha's suffering over or is something more dreadful coming to break her again like in the past? Stay connected to find out. Lots of love from the author.

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