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Aisha's stay in the hospital passed by quickly as she focused on taking good care of herself and following a nutritious diet to aid in her recovery. Throughout her hospitalization, she spent quality time with her father, engaging in heartfelt conversations. In addition to her father's company, Aisha also received numerous well-wishers who came to visit her and shower her with blessings. Even Rajmata, the crowned king's mother, made a special visit to Aisha to express appreciation for her brave act of protecting the kingdom.

Aisha's selfless act quickly made her a beloved figure among everyone. However, despite the comfort she found in her hospital room, Aisha couldn't shake off an unusual sensation that she felt every time she closed her eyes to sleep. It felt as though she was being embraced by warmth, love, and a sense of belonging that reminded her of home. It was a soothing feeling that gave her a sense of security and comfort.

After spending four long days in the hospital, all I could think of was getting back home and reuniting with my loved ones. I was yearning for the warmth of my father's affectionate embrace and the comfort of my own bed. As I lay on the bed, lost in the pages of one of my favorite books, I sensed my father's presence drawing near. He gently took me by the hand and led me to the dining area, where I found myself in awe at the sight of an elaborate feast laid out before me.

There were ten different dishes, each one more tantalizing than the last, and two decadent desserts that looked like they could make even the most disciplined eater succumb to temptation. Although I was initially taken aback by the sheer quantity of food on the table, I couldn't help but be moved by my father's thoughtfulness. I knew that he had gone to great lengths to prepare this feast and that he had done it all just for me.

"Mr. Rajput, what is all this?" I yelled , trying to mask my surprise and delight. "Do you not realize that it's just the two of us here to eat? Did you cook for 10-12 people? Do you think I'm an eating machine?" My father simply chuckled sheepishly and replied, "I just wanted to pamper my pari a little."

Overwhelmed by my father's love and affection, I couldn't resist hugging him tightly and thanking him for always being there for me, through thick and thin. In that moment, I was reassured that no matter what challenges life may throw my way, I could always count on my father's unwavering love and support.

We enjoyed a delightful meal together while sharing stories and discussing topics that spanned from trivial to profound. The conversations were so engaging that time seemed to fly by, and before we knew it, the day had turned into night.

After bidding farewell to my friends, I felt a sense of exhaustion and decided to retire to my room. To create a serene ambiance, I lit a few scented candles and picked up a book, hoping to unwind and relax. As I read, I felt my eyelids grow heavier, and before I knew it, I had drifted off into a deep slumber.

In my sleep, I experienced the warmth of a comforting embrace that seemed to envelop me in a sense of security. It was as though all my worries and fears had melted away, leaving behind a feeling of contentment and peace.

As the night progressed, I slowly awoke from my peaceful slumber and checked in with Avinash to ensure that the girls had arrived home safely. After receiving his positive response, I decided to venture out onto the terrace and marvel at the vast expanse of stars that lit up the night sky.

As I gazed up at the twinkling stars, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. The unpredictability of life dawned upon me, and I realized how important it is to cherish every precious moment we have with our loved ones. However, there was still a lingering pain of uncertainty within me as tomorrow was my birthday, which always came with dreadful memories.


"Why is Aisha so afraid of her birthday? Whose comforting embrace does she feel every time she sleeps? Will her birthday be as painful as always, or will some happiness come to her? Stay connected to find out more. Lots of love from the author."

His Queen : Story Of Eternal LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora