05 - Liquid Courage

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Spotify Playlist is in my profile bio!! (recommended while reading)


Sunoo doesn't really get how they are gonna off themselves under a green street tarp. It starts to rain on the way there, and neither of them has brought jackets on this spontaneous suicide adventure either, so Sunghoon sits side by side with Sunoo on the upside-down box crates for warmth by the heat lamp, knees knocking.

It's nice. Super nice actually, as the raindrops absorb and dry off their sweaters slowly.

"I didn't exactly imagine us doing it here." Sunoo confusedly looked around

"I needed some pot spirit," Sunghoon explains.

They're both underage but Sunoo has the suspicion it doesn't matter much when the ahjumma corners their table and sets down a set of cheap soju bottles as Sunghoon acquiesces to drink.

"My God, what a beautiful couple," she says a bit mournfully, then wanting to show them off shouts to the staff and other customers, "May you live long and have the most ever-living relationship!"

Sunoo's cheeks redden immediately. Sunghoon pours a shot for him, palm grazing his. He turns away to down it, focusing on the rain crashing against the tent instead. When Sunoo turns back, he's already got another shot poured for him, his face equally flush.

Then the old lady comes back with a platter full of extra side dishes, more than usual.

"On the house," she winks. It wasn't the first time Sunoo had gotten something for free in his life, and wouldn't be the last. Still, he balks at it and waits for Sunghoon to take something. He gestures to the table.


"I don't...really eat much outside of the house..."

Sunghoon pauses, then nods.

"Me either."


Skinny meets skinny.

For him - a teenage boy, societal pressures to look a certain way, a ballet dancer's diet, his growth spurts be damned.

For the older - sports expectations to be lean, for different weight classes, vomiting your food what must be done between figure skating tournaments.

How much they have in common.

Sunghoon reaches over and pours them another round of shots.

the old lady is so real

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suicide stud - sunsun

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