08 - Plan B

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Spotify Playlist is in my profile bio!! (recommended while reading)


"You didn't tell us he was your cousin." Jungwon's looking over the tempered hockey glass at the tall magnetic creature dressed in all black floating at the center of the rink. He's sucking in his breath, his dimple exposed.

Sunoo frowns, tugging at his scarf. It didn't go unnoticed by him that Sunghoon had the same type of dimples when he smiled really big.

"You guys are cousins?" Jake screams, unfiltered, pushing Sunoo right on his puffy jacketed chest. "Fuck you for not mentioning that, like ever."

Hearing the boy's ruckus, Sunghoon looks over and gives a small wave. He completes the song, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata echoing over the loudspeakers of the arena.

Sunoo's heart skips many beats watching him. It's like he's a completely different person on ice. His body becomes one with the ice, flumes of white following him as he skates cleanly in figure eight, followed by an endless camel spin. His posture is perfect and poised, entirely like his when he practices ballet, if not better, his head tilted to the sky as if he came from the heavens when the song ends, arms extended.

Jungwon claps and Jake copies.

He does a couple of laps around the rink, extraordinarily fast, legs gliding across wonderfully, back curved and elongated, never losing his focus.

He makes his way over to them after a while, cheeks painted a rosy tint, lips thin.

"This is Jake and Jungwon. Jungwon's in my class and Jake's the year you're in."

Sunghoon gives them a polite bow before turning his focus back on Sunoo.

"I didn't think you'd come." He showed a small smile to him and the two other boys but mainly towards Sunoo

"I didn't know I was allowed."

A chip of ice sticks to Sunghoon's shoulder, and Sunoo reaches over to brush it off.

"C'mon," he says, reaching out for the younger's hand. Sunoo looks back at Jungwon and Jake who look like they are both fuming, equally.

"I'm not good at this." Sunoo moved backwards

"I'll hold on to you, don't worry."

Sunghoon then leads him to the ice, walking backward when they get on it, both of his hands in his, guiding him along.

"Jake thinks you're hot." Sunoo tries to keep his face composed when he says it, gauging his reaction. Sunghoon mildly looks over, mostly concentrated on not losing Sunoo's grip through his heavily knitted mittens.

"Which one is that?" Sunghoon asked mid-lap

"The blonde one. People at school mistake him for a natural blonde."


"Jungwon thinks you're hot too. He's the other one with dimples."

"He's cute." He answered with no interest

"How are you feeling?" Sunoo questioned softly, implying their first-ever attempt

Sunghoon gives him a look. What's with the sudden concern, it reads.

"I'm fine."

After Sunghoon's answer...Sunoo had a question in mind but he feared if he asked Sunghoon he'd get suspicious of him either from knowing it or the random concern.

But he asked anyways

"And...how's your leg?..." Sunoo didn't look up at Sunghoon but focused on their feet gliding on the rock hard ice

"What about my leg?" Asked Sunghoon not looking suspicious or anything

"I heard you were injured...N-News spreads like wildfire when theres a hot new student..."

Sunoo tried to reason out to not seem as if he stlaking him. Its not like he ever done that but the older might think that way.

"..." The older did not give any sort of answer yet, but  stared at a distance, maybe in thought

"It healed, I'm still on physical rehab."


"I was thinking,"  Sunghoon squeezes Sunoo's hands when they get to the center of the rink and he guides them in a small circle so that they are spinning, eyes only on each other,

"That we could start planning our next attempt in a couple of weeks. I'm getting evaluated to see if I qualify for the Olympics next year. After that?"

"Oh, sure," Sunoo feels downfallen. Of course, Sunghoon had been thinking about it even if he hadn't. Of course, that's what he thinks about when he sees him.

And then when they let go of each other's hands finally and Sunoo pulls away, able to perfectly do a lap or two on his own, the fresh scent of cut ice invigorating him as he goes, Sunghoon also realizes he's been misinterpreting everything about him.

How things came so easily to him, someone so entirely the epitome of perfection.

sigh they arent offing thenselves for a while 😞

please don't forget to vote and comment to boost this book 🫶

suicide stud - sunsun

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