18. I'm sure she does

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People get crushes all the time. It's okay to like someone who's committed to someone else, but that doesn't mean you have to do something about it. It is hard, but the right thing to do is wait for it to go away. I wish someone gave me this advice when I was 19.

I opened my laptop, hesitated once or twice, and then proceeded to type in.

I entered into the "Love with pride" organisation's website and collected information. I called my manager and spoke to him about it, but he definitely didn't seem to react the way I wanted him to.

Not because of Nayan, not because of Nayan definitely, but it would be a great thing if I get to do a mini comic of Xiah and Marge supporting this organisation. This would mean that the fans could donate to the organisation if they wanted to.

I would've had second thoughts if the cause of the organisation was something unrelated to my brand, but it was relevant. I have this assurance that my target audience would definitely support LGBTQ+, so that wouldn't be a problem. If I could do something useful with my job, it was this.

My manager said it would be risky, considering it hasn't been weeks since I shifted the original plot. I begged him on the phone to arrange an online meeting our team.
We collected points as to how this might be beneficial to us as well as the organisation, and after an argument, the publisher shrugged and went "we're providing you with a higher risk share for this and if it's okay, you can proceed" and left. It means Green light.

Ray (the manager), me and a few staffs scheduled a meeting with the organisation. It was all so quick.

At 13:30, we all left in a car, stepped in front of this huge building in the corner of a busy ass road. We couldn't even look at it, for the sun was being reflected through it's glass straight into our eyes. We walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the 24th floor.

My manager was busy arranging the papers that we brought. The person from the reception took us to what seemed like a mini theatre with a screen.

For half an hour, they showed us facts on Indian/Worldwide LGBTQ+ statistics, what kind of funds they provide, the shelter, counselling and medical facilities they provide for transgenders who have left their homes, homes for orphans (even for children who aren't part of the queer community), how they are working on this same-sex matrimonial app, and other stuffs. I had a moment of proudness and happiness to support the institution.

There was a round table conference, and a person read out loud the contract for both the parties to hear and alter. I agreed to give 1/3rd of the earnings of that edition to the organisation.

Throughout the meeting, I kept ignoring a tiny emotion that flickered in my heart here and there. My eyes wandered everytime we walked to a new room or corner of the building, and I felt guilty. With all the formalities over, I proceeded to step out of the building, with the glass panel opening and the staff went "wait, you didn't even sign the contract yet" and I stepped back in silence like a fool.

We went to the 25th floor, entered into a somewhat spacious and.... my eyes stopped wandering. She was in there, with someone, probably her assistant. They looked... close to me. She was wearing a red Saree with her lips red. I suddenly felt 19 again. I wanted to draw her, she was perfect.

As soon as we entered, she panicked and stood up. "Have a seat" she said as she pointed and we all sat.

"Thank you for choosing this organisation, it means so much to us" she said as she signalled her assistant and the assistant brought her a box. She calmly opened the box in a very slow pace, took out the specs and wore them. She slowly picked the documents and we sat there in silence as she read it all slowly. She took a good while to read and me and my manager looked back and forth letting ourselves comfortable in the room.

Her phone was on the table with the screen facing down, and she had a torn old note inside theclear phone case. I shouldn't be delusional right now.

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