Part 5

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My objective was concise: dismantle their ill-intended plans and save not just myself, but also any potential innocent victims they might ensnare in their insidious web of deception.

 Time was of the utmost importance and the stakes could not be higher – nonetheless, I would confront this challenge with unwavering resolve and ultimately triumph over their evil machinations.

Driven by my unwavering determination to ensure that my profound disdain towards them would be perceived by everyone, 

I meticulously devised an elaborate plan that would enable me to humiliate them spectacularly in front of the entire school. 

The paramount objective of my scheme was to expose their villainous conspiracy they had concocted with the malevolent intention of terminating my existence. With a gratifying sense of precision, the components of my masterplan unfolded harmoniously, executing each step flawlessly. 

Initially, their unawareness led them to blindly fall into the skillfully crafted trap which I had laid for them. As they wallowed in the depths of humiliation and remorse, comprehensive evidence of their reprehensible actions was documented through the diligent collection of videos and incriminating photographs. 

The uneasy tension between us lingered as we crossed paths within the school's corridors, enhancing their palpable embarrassment.

The apex of my intricate strategy was reached during a mandatory school-wide assembly. As anticipation filled the air, a striking slideshow prevailed on the screen, subsequently revealing its purpose with an introductory message stating, 

"This is for BFFA and my SS aka step sister– please enjoy and like!" Consequently, a succession of cringe-inducing images captured everyone's attention as they unfolded before our eyes, laying bare their sinister characters for all those present to witness unabashedly. 

A mixture of revulsion and disbelief emanated from their peers as they stared aghast at the unfortunate individuals exposed on the screen. Simultaneously, disapproving faculty members directed icy glares at the culprits responsible for such abhorrent behaviour. 

Manifesting an unbridled torrent of fury, the school principal's visage transformed into a seething shade of crimson as his rage teetered on the brink of eruption. 

With unshakeable resolve, he sternly demanded that whoever was responsible for orchestrating this embarrassing spectacle come forward immediately, or be prepared to face severe repercussions the very next day.

Determined to uncover the truth behind the scandalous situation, I made it my mission to seek out those responsible and ensure they faced expulsion from the prestigious academy. Upon entering the hall where the student body had gathered, 

hushed whispers and murmurs flooded the air, while shock and disbelief emanated from the gazes that fell upon me. Filled with steely resolve, I confidently strode across the room and assumed my position at the podium, ready to address my fellow colleagues.

"I must confess," I began, purposefully commanding their attention, "that it was indeed I who displayed the now-infamous slideshow for all to see. However," – I raised a cautionary finger for emphasis – "I must clarify that I am neither its creator nor was my motive for sharing it malicious in nature. Instead, someone offered me an astounding one million yang for what appeared to be a harmless task."

My voice took on a defiant tone as I continued: "To be blunt, your judgments of me hold no weight in this matter."

 A heavy, uneasy hush spread through the room as they processed my words. Without looking back or giving them time to react further, I exited the hall with confidence, allowing a small smirk to appear on my face—though swiftly hidden before anyone could take notice.

Upon returning to my dormitory, however, rather than finding solitude, I was met by my roommate's irate figure blocking my way. 

The anger was palpable in her expression and voice as she demanded furiously, "What possessed you to do such a thing? You will surely pay dearly for your actions!" 

Unshaken by her outrage and refusal to comprehend the situation, I quickly retorted with a swift slap across her cheek before summoning assistance in dealing with her opposition—a figure known as the Pro Punisher.

Calm but assertive in my instructions to my backup enforcer, I laid out her consequences: a total of 300 lashes and one month's confinement within the dark, damp recesses of our academy's dungeon. To ensure she understood the price she would pay for daring to question me, 

I issued clear orders for her to be given only a single set of clothes and meagre portions of food and water each day. 

As a stark, daily reminder of her predicament during the punishment period, her garments would be burned in front of her eyes—a harrowing image she would not soon forget.

Upon reflecting on yet another instance of my mischief at school, the inevitable summoning to the principal's office occurred.

 As I pushed open the door and stepped inside, his face rapidly morphed into a deep shade of purple, barely concealing the simmering fury that churned beneath his stern exterior. in dealing with her opposition—a figure known as the Pro Punisher.

Calm but assertive in my instructions to my backup enforcer, I laid out her consequences: a total of 300 lashes and one month's confinement within the dark, damp recesses of our academy's dungeon.

 To ensure she understood the price she would pay for daring to question me, I issued clear orders for her to be given only a single set of clothes and meagre portions of food and water each day. 

As a stark, daily reminder of her predicament during the punishment period, her garments would be burned in front of her eyes—a harrowing image she would not soon forget.

Upon reflecting on yet another instance of my mischief at school, the inevitable summoning to the principal's office occurred.

 As I pushed open the door and stepped inside, his face rapidly morphed into a deep shade of purple, barely concealing the simmering fury that churned beneath his stern exterior.

Authors note, the picture up there is pro punisher.  :)

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