Part 6

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Before he could unleash the barrage of anger that boiled within him, I boldly met his gaze and nonchalantly inquired, "What?" It was as if throwing fuel to a blazing fire; his pent-up rage overflowed, as he unleashed an onslaught of scathing remarks towards me.

Nonetheless, instead of cowering under his reproach, an inexplicable sense of amusement overcame me.

Laughter erupted out of me like a volcanic surge, with tears cascading down my flushed cheeks-all the while refusing to waver from his bewildered stare.

My laughter eventually subsided, and a gleam of defiance ignited within my eyes as I took my leave from that oppressive room.

Embarking on a journey with higher stakes and honour on the line, I mounted my ever-faithful steed and directed it towards the army training grounds, where I planned to participate in my twentieth sparring match adorned in full military attire.

My rival for this bout was none other than General Lee-a man whose reputation for strategic mastery instilled terror in even the most battle-hardened warriors.

Yet destiny had other plans for our fateful duel today; our swords gleamed in synchrony under natural light as we relentlessly parried and countered each other's blows with unparalleled precision.

It quickly became apparent that it was not General Lee who would maintain his dominance over the royal sparring grounds-his once tactical brilliance dimmed into amateur displays along with each dash of scornful laughter echoing through the air-mirroring that very encounter with the incensed principal earlier that day.

A days has passed since i defeated the general lee but i think he took it to hard but it did not matter.Following my latest victory over a general at the Royal Sparring Grounds, I returned home in search of respite from the stressors of everyday life.

Upon setting foot on the ground, my concerned father rushed towards me with an evident worry in his expression.

It was then that he informed me of the news that I was required to engage in a battle. Surprisingly, I received this information with a sense of delight, as the prospect of emerging victorious in a battle filled me with excitement and anticipation.

This opportunity seemed like the perfect path to becoming a skilled master in the realm of warfare and attaining the glory that comes with it.

However, it was not meant to be, for the moment I set foot on the grounds, As my heart raced, I watched my father sprint towards me, a panic-stricken expression painted across his face.

"Alice, Alice! We're in deep trouble," he gasped between breaths. "You know we've racked up some hefty debts with the mafia, right?

Well, they've given us an ultimatum - their leader is demanding your hand in marriage!" His words hit me like a brick wall, leaving me reeling in shock. I managed to stammer out, "Wh-which one is it?" It was as if time stood still when my father uttered the name that sent a chill down my spine:

"The Red Wolf."

Authors note, the picture up there is General Lee. :)

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