Part 9

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Having survived the Red Wolf's wedding and escaped from the dreaded castle,

 I was determined to never set foot in the kingdom again. 

The very mention of the Red Wolf's name sent a shiver down my spine. 

It was evident that the only way to escape from the clutches of this beast was to flee the kingdom and start a new life far away.

I packed my belongings and set out on a journey across the seven seas.

 I was determined to reach the fabled land of wonder,

 a place where all my dreams would come true.

 However, the journey was fraught with peril and danger. 

Pirates, monsters, and sea creatures alike threatened to sink my ship and claim my life.

Despite the obstacles,

 I remained steadfast in my resolve. 

I battled my way through the treacherous waters and finally reached the shore of the enchanted island.

 As I set foot on the golden sand, I knew I had found my new home.

The island was unlike anything I had ever seen.

 It was a paradise filled with wonder and mystery. 

There were lush forests, crystal-clear lakes, and breathtaking waterfalls. 

The inhabitants were friendly and welcoming, and the climate was mild and pleasant.

I soon settled into my new life and made many friends.

 I started a business and built a beautiful home on the beach. 

My days were filled with happiness and joy, and I had everything I had ever wanted.

One day, as I was relaxing on the beach,

 I noticed a ship approaching the island. 

It was unlike any ship I had ever seen before. #

As it drew closer, I could see that it was a pirate ship.

My heart raced as the ship docked, and the pirates disembarked. 

They were a fearsome-looking lot, and their eyes were filled with mischief.

I braced myself for the worst, but much to my surprise,

 the pirates were friendly and courteous.#

 They had come to the island in search of adventure and promised not to cause any trouble.

Aka please let me know if you will like me to continue adding pictures or not.|||||||:)

and the guy up there is jared without the glasses

The mafia's wifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang