Your Obsessive Behavior pt2 (Miko-chen)

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Warnings: Yandere behavior

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Warnings: Yandere behavior



Shakes and El Matador were looking like crazy for ____, a few minutes ago the tournament had ended, for some reason El Matador won (plot twist) and when they were ready to leave, they realized that _____ was not with them. "Hey Uber, have you seen ____? We couldn't find her." Shakes asked the German.

"Ja, I saw zem a vhile ago leaving ze room vith ze Japanese," Johann answered. Listening to the conversation, Liquido butted in, "I saw them too, although Miko had a strange look." At this Uber looked at him strangely, "How can you distinguish a look in zose little eyes?"

Shakes approached El Matador to inform him of what he heard about Liquido and Uber. "That is very strange, mi amigo, maybe we should continue searching outside," said El Matador. "You're right, let's go," Shakes responded.


Meanwhile, in a secluded part of the island, Miko was pulling __ to her private jet, a black jet with the Nakama FC crest painted on it.

"Miko, that's enough, I have to go with Shakes and El Matador," You said as you tried to get out of his grip.

"You'le not going to go with them, you'le going with me and now you'll be palt of Nakama, but only going to be with me" he said as he pushed you into the Jet and informed the pilot that it was time to leave.

"But-" You were interrupted by Miko "Don't woly, you will have a good life, I'm going to give you evelything the Stlikas will never be able to give you."


"Guys... We didn't find them anywhere"

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