Beach Day (Riano)

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Requested by: adhigodoffire

Sure thing <3

Writing this while my nail polish is drying

The last few scenarios I've written are a bit out of character, but it's what I think the guys are like outside the stadium


The sun was shining brightly as you and Riano arrived at the beach, the ocean stretching out before you in a breathtaking expanse of blue. You set up your spot near the water, laying out a large blanket and propping up a colorful beach umbrella. The rhythmic sound of the waves and the salty breeze instantly put you at ease.

"Look at this view! I've been looking forward to this all week," you said, unpacking the picnic basket with a satisfied smile.

"Me too," Riano replied, spreading sunscreen on his arms. "It's the perfect day for the beach. What did you pack for lunch?"

You grinned, a hint of pride in your voice. "Just a few of your favorites. Sandwiches, fruit, and those homemade cookies you love."

"You're the best. Let's take a swim before we eat. The water looks amazing."

Hand in hand, you ran towards the waves, laughing as the cool water splashed against your legs. The initial chill of the ocean made you gasp, but soon you were both fully immersed, swimming and playing in the surf. Riano lifted you into the air and twirled you around, both of you falling back into the water with a splash.

After a while, you returned to your blanket, dripping and happy. The sun began to dry your skin as you wrapped a towel around yourself.

"That was so much fun. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard," Riano said, handing you a towel and shaking the water from his hair.

"Me neither. This is perfect," you replied, enjoying the moment.

You sat together, enjoying your picnic and the sound of the waves. Riano reached for a sandwich, taking a large bite. "These are delicious. You always know how to make the best picnics."

"Glad you like it. How about we build a sandcastle next?"

"You're on. Let's make the biggest, most epic sandcastle this beach has ever seen."

You spent the next hour crafting an elaborate sandcastle, complete with towers, walls, and a moat. A few passersby stopped to admire your work, and you and Riano beamed with pride.

"Not bad, huh?" Riano said, stepping back to admire the sandcastle. "We make a pretty good team."

"We sure do," you replied, brushing sand off your hands. "I think it's time for a break. How about a walk?"

As the day turned into evening, you took a leisurely stroll along the shoreline, watching the sun set in a blaze of oranges and pinks. The sky's vibrant colors reflected on the water, creating a mesmerizing view. Riano wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as you walked.

"This has been an amazing day. I love spending time with you like this," Riano said, his voice barely audible over the sound of the waves.

"Me too, Riano. It's days like this that make everything feel so right," you replied, leaning into him.

You paused, standing together at the water's edge, the waves gently lapping at your feet. The sky continued to change colors, and with the sun dipping below the horizon, the first stars began to appear.

"You know, we should make this a tradition," Riano said, looking up at the emerging stars. "Just you and me, taking time out to enjoy the simple things."

"I'd like that," you said, turning to face him. "We could use more days like this. It's nice to disconnect from everything else and just be together."

With the sun fully set and the sky now a canvas of twinkling stars, you walked back to your blanket, hand in hand. You lay back on the blanket, gazing up at the night sky, the gentle sound of the waves providing a soothing background. Riano pointed out constellations, his voice calm and steady. You felt a deep sense of contentment, knowing that no matter what the future held, you'd always have moments like these to cherish.

Eventually, you began to pack up your things, the beach now illuminated only by the moon and stars. As you gathered the last of your belongings, Riano pulled you into a warm embrace.

"This was perfect," you whispered against his chest.

"It really was," he replied, kissing the top of your head. "Let's do this again soon."

You nodded, smiling as you both returned to the car, the ocean lingering in your ears, a reminder of a day well spent with the person you love.

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