Complaining (Skarra)

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I really loved writing this, it was so funny

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I really loved writing this, it was so funny.

Hope you like it.


Four games into your Super League career and you've won Man of the Match every time.

How does it feel to be in the spotlight, Max Power?

Well, Rob, pretty rotten actually.

And why's that, Max?

Feel a bit bad taking Skarra's spot, yeah? It's not his fault he's injured.

The television was on in one of the rooms of the Invincible United stadium, while you were trying to change your boyfriend's bandages.

"Feel a bit bad, yeah? Whatever, schmuck"

"Hey, stop moving, I'm trying to work here, Skarra"

"It's not my fault that guy is an idiot"

"Sure, whatever you say, but you can complain without moving"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry, I'll stop," He said as he opened his laptop to check his newest campaign for players with minor injuries or something like that, and started writing.

"My injury has helped me relate to people in need"

"Yeah, that's pretty believable with the face you have right now," you said sarcastically, laughing a bit.

"Shut up"

"Megastars with minor injuries?" Dingan asked looking over Skarra's shoulder. Question no one answered of course.

While Max was still talking on the TV, you finally finished fixing Skarra's bandage.

"Well, I'm done, try not to push yourself too hard, 'kay?"

"Yeah, sure," He said as you leaned in to give him a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Bye babe, bye Dingan, see you guys in the next match"

"Bye" Answered both guys.


It's the day of the match between Invincible United and Clube Palmentieri (I think it is Palmentieri), you were sitting on the public benches closest to the court, Skarra had gotten you the tickets btw, and you were close to the bench where he was sitting with one of his teammates.

Meanwhile, Skarra was not paying attention to the match, he was still checking his funny campaign, and Automatic was giving it a little sneak peek.

"Invitations 23, attending 0" He said with mockery "Even your girlfriend won't go?"

Skarra placed a hand on Automatic's face and pushed him away while sighing. "She'll go, but she won't be playing."

"Oh, I see, she'll be busy taking care of you"

"Shut up, you idiot"


The match was already over, and obviously, the Man of the Match award was won by Max Power. Meanwhile, you jumped off the benches to join Skarra.

"You weren't bored, were you?"

"You kidding me? I'm not able to play and this Australian kid is taking all the attention I deserve"

"You really sound like a spoiled brat" You laughed

"Well, it's not like you complain"

"Hey, I never said I don't like that"

"Anyway, let's go"

"Want me to help you with your bag?"

"Neh, I'm fine, thanks"

You two were approaching the exit where Max and Vince were also heading.

"Hah, anyone can be Man of the Match if they hog the ball all the time"

"Back off, Skarra" Vince answered

"What? You're gonna side with happy face kid over here?" Skarra asked and Max interrupted

"Hey, I've been injured before. It's so frustrating. You got some kind of charity going, yeah?

"It's an awareness campaign to create awareness for people suffering like me" Skarra answered as you scoffed and watched Vince go away.

"That sounds great, I'll be there," said "happy face kid"

"Cool, whatever" Skarra took his laptop out of his bag and looked at his profile, checking that Max was the first one attending, and smiled a bit.

"Well, he sure is nice, he even made you smile"

"Shut it, and don't you dare say he's nice in my presence... not even not in my presence"

"Aw, look who's jealous, no way, the guy is way too Australian and happy for my liking."


Now the two of you were watching the match between the grey team and the yellow team, it was the first day of Skarra's charity, and some guys attended at least.

Eventually, Shakes and El Matador also arrived, what you heard was that El Matador had suffered from a broken toenail... Definitely a minor injury... but what the fuck?

Almost 2 hours later, you were already getting hungry, so Skarra called a time off, and everyone went to lunch. You two were eating hotdogs with soda watching as Shakes and Max were befriending.

"Well, I'll be damned, that's weird" You commented.

"Huh, this jerks, trying to be best pals?" Skarra said, and then you heard El Matador yelling "Shakes, you can't be buddies with the opponent"

And then both El Matador and Skarra saying "Where's your loyalty?" made you laugh.


Finally, it was Supa Strikas vs Invincible United match day, you took Skarra to the game in your car, taking advantage of the fact that you live in the same house, apart so that Skarra wouldn't have such an uncomfortable trip on the bus.

When you were approaching the stadium you both saw Max getting out of Vince's car.

"How come Max gets to ride in the limo, I'm the one with the injury, I'm the one who deserves special treatment!"

"Hey, no complaining, I brought you here, I may not have a limo, but it's still a comfortable car"

"Yeah, and thanks, but still," He said taking your hand for support, and started walking again.


The match was already over, and surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly... Shakes was the one who won Man of the Match, but he started making a commotion trying to call Max over the pitch for a while when finally he... or should I say, they arrived, there were two Max Powers, well, twins.

At that moment you were already side to side with Skarra looking at Vince with mockery.

"Twins? Nice one. Serves you right for not telling me!"


"Can't believe that punk almost doubled me out of my teeth" Skarra said walking to the exit

El Matador, who was walking beside Skarra and on the opposite side of you, answered him, and then he placed a bunch of those erasable stickers on Skarra's arm, to which he yelled in frustration, and you laughed.

"Now now, calm down, let's go get that out of your arm, I really don't want to sleep with those creepy things hugging me"

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