Mooncrest school

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Mooncrest is a school for gifted kids .Each person with eligible age category have only one chance to apply for the exam to get admitted into Mooncrest.
The school is as prestigious , strict and stuck up as it could get.Well,nothing's really wrong with the school but the people, mostly students also teacher's and board comitee is basically weird.
Well,when you are a prodigy i guess thats a free pass to be a jerk.The funny thing is i am not talented at anything. I can eat a lot but that's not a very well appreciated talent in this sadass society.So it's still a wonder how i got admitted when i took the exam at grade 3.Probably i was little prodigy then but definitely not now.

'Sir,may i come in ?'I asked and all heads were at my direction. Guys this is not a zoo and i certainly am nota hybrid animal! Can you guys stop looking.

'I don't know miss Suzy. May you?What time is it?'Mr lan spat the words out menacingly.

God , why so cranky in the early morning. Did he fight with is wife or something !
'Sir,i am deeply regretting my actions and beg to state that my dog peed on my stuff this early morning. As i had to clean it i became late.I do assure you such imprudence will never occur again'

He frowned and tried to assess if i was lying or not.I put on my best innocent face and prayedto god so i don't start cackling like a lovecraftian beast. Which was starting to become almost impossible as from my peripheral vision i could see Mia almost collapsing from silent laughter.
But thank goodness before that tragedy happened sir gave me permission to enter.

I went and sat at the 2nd row third bench from last.The seat plan is according to test results whoever scores highest gets to chose first and that saga yeah i am average i'd say.Mia is more genius than me since she sits on the desk in front of mine.
As soon as i sat she half manic from laughter ,out of breath whispered ''Babe, you don't even have a dog''
'Then are you saying i should say my mom peed on my stuff', i jokingly replied.
She chocked ' What eww , don't say that about aunty, You potty mouth.'

'What kind of 3rd grade insult is that',I said half stretching in my desk.

' Are you okay , you seem to be sweating a lot..'Mia becoming concerned asked me.
'I ran' I told her as i recounted what happned since morning.She listened to me as she wiped my sweats with her handkerchief.
At times like this as much as i don't like to admit itto her, i really feel lucky to be her friend.
' What are you stressing about. You can just copy of off mine in chem exam', she comforted.

''Class focus'',Mr Ian shouted.

''Class focus'',Mr Ian shouted

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