Chapter 23 - Mr and Mrs

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Wow, that last chapter was quite interesting! But here is the next part, so enjoy! Also. Sorry for the long wait. But it's worth it!


"So... we have to plan a wedding now, right?"

"Yeah. Where do we start?"

"I think we should start with a theme. What do you want?"

"Uhh.... I don't really know."

"Well, we can always go with a colour instead of something in particular," I suggest.

"Sounds good. What colour?"

"I've personally been thinking about it, and I would really like turquoise and gold."

"Yeah, whatever you want."


About a week later, I take Liv and Belle shopping for bridesmaids essentials.

It doesn't sound extremely fair, but I only really wanted 2 bridesmaids.

We go to a fancy bride shop in London to look. I find a couple of turquoise dresses the exact color I want.

"These are perfect!" I say, pointing them out.

The two girls come over to me, and Belle gasps. ''They're amazing!"

"Go try them on," I say. "I want to see how they fit."

About a minute later, they both come out, and I put my hands over my mouth.

"They look beautiful," I say. "Go find some accessories."

They both find some accessories and I go and look for a white dress.

I see some absolutely ugly ones, ones that had poofy sleeves.

No. Just no.

I find a nice sleeveless dress, and decide to try it on.

It's just the right size.

I look at myself in the mirror of the changing room and sigh.

I love it so much.

I go out and they're amazed.

"Oh, wow!" says Liv.

"That looks beautiful," says Belle.

"Thank you. And it's the perfect size too."

"Let's put the dresses on hold and look for more accessories!" says Liv.


I wake up about a week later, but not next to Seamus.

He went and stayed at Dean's house.

I think it's a tradition that you don't see the bride before the ceremony.

It's about 8 so I go to the kitchen and prepare some breakfast. I decide on pancakes.

I'm feeling dreadfully nervous but I don't know why.  I've known Seamus for at least 10 years.

The thought hits me. 10 years

After I finish my breakfast, I have a shower, and dampen my hair a bit. I put on my bath robe and go back to my bedroom.

I sit on my bed and think things through.

Yeah, of course I want to marry him. Why wouldn't I?

I'm doubting myself too much. I just need to calm down.

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