Chapter 13 - Christmas Flashbacks

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Okay, so I know I haven't updated in ages but here you are! I hope you all had a really nice Christmas and New Years', and ironically, this chapter is Christmas! Enjoy!


Dear Diary,

Magical flashbacks of Christmas!

I made everyone's cards this year because before I started at Beauxbatons and Hogwarts, I used to make them for make them for friends and family for Christmas, birthdays, etc. They all loved them.

I got different coloured paper for every person. Then I did the composite colour on the inside to write on.

I did different designs on the front, with little Christmas trees and stockings.

I did a personal message to each of them, not just "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year's" because I find it boring.

I got everyone's presents out of the bag I had stashed them in. I got some wrapping paper to match every card. I'm so colour-coordinated!

Then i stuck each card to their specific presents and put them carefully into the bag again.

I couldn't wait for them to get their presents!

Christmas Day

I wake and think, "yeah. It's gonna be a good day. We don't have to worry about much."

I look up. I'm the only one! Everyone must have gone to breakfast.

I get changed into some jeans (the comfiest I have ever worn in my entire life), a peachy coloured hoodie (Seamus says the colour really suits me), and my absolute favourite black snakeskin boots. Well, they look like snake scales on the outside, but they're nice and fluffy on the inside.

I do my hair in a lazy ponytail then take my bag of presents down to the common room. All the Rejects are there, with their boyfriends, and the Trio are there too. They're all swapping presents with one another, and laughing and chatting. I don't see Seamus though, which is weird, because he's always around.

I ask Harry if he's seen him, ut he says no and blushes. I put down my bag and go to his dorm. "Seamus! You in there?"

No answer.

Maybe he's having breakfast.

I run through all the corridors and into the Hall, where I find some teachers. I ask McGonagall. She says that he might be playing a trick on me. Then she winks.

I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"For God's sake Seamus." I say, because I know it's him.

"Merry Christmas." I turn around and he hands me a small box with a golden ribbon on it. "This is just one of many."

I put it on the nearest table and open it. Its a necklace with a treble clef on it!

"Aww, I love it."

"Let me put it on you."

He ties the clasp around my neck, and I see it hanging in the perfect spot. Its not too long, and it's not too short.

Then I hug him and say "Merry Christmas."

We go back to the common room and he looks at me with a look of "we should make out after this".

We find everyone still sitting there, laughing, and they've all got their own stash of presents from the others.

I grab my bag and sit in front of everyone.

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