Chapter 3 - Beauxbatons, here I come

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Dear Diary,

They told me about Caitlin.

They told me about how I was born in New Zealand. 

They told me about my real past.

They told me that they would support me throughout my wizarding education.

It was hard to take in.

I can't believe that they didnt tell me, for all these years.

At least they told me now.

They also told me to not tell anyone abut this whole thing. I'm not sure why, but anyway...

Our family were real travellers back then so I'd seen most of the world by the time I was 11!


We went to the French version of Diagon Alley and got all my school supplies. It was so cool! I saw a lot of other girls and imagined becoming friends with them.

Before I started, my "parents" taught me a few beginner spells and I got really good.


I went to school that year and I was in a dorm with a girl called Olivia MacDonald. She seemed so nice. She wasn't completely French either. She almost sounded as if she had a Kiwi accent...

But she said she absolutely hated it here, and wanted to got to Hogwarts. 

I said, "why do you hate it here? There are so many cool things here that you probably wouldnt experience at Hogwarts!"

"But I love the teachers at hogwarts. I know them so well! Sydney, its in my blood."

"Okay, okay, but maybe we just stay a little bit longer."

"Until when?"

"I'm not sure, maybe 3rd year? Come on, at least give Madame Maxine a chance!"


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